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© Jayna Shipman |
Yesterday, September 22nd 2014 the Sun entered the lovely sign of Libra! I want to talk in depth about the sign of Libra and the personality of a Libra Sun because of the month long trip through Libra that the Sun is currently taking.
Libra represents the seventh stage of evolution through the zodiac signs. It was first in Cancer that we recognized our relationship to other people. In Leo and in Virgo this relationship was explored in different ways as well. Now in Libra we of course have a recognition of people and our relationship to them, but this happens to be the first sign where we recognize other people as individuals . In Libra we want to connect to these individuals on a mental and social level. We are interested in them and we want to form balanced and harmonious relationships with them.
Libra's symbol is the scales. Scales are all about balance and so are Libras. In fact balance and harmony are essential to their lives. When a Libras internal scales are out of balance, they could feel quite frustrated and 'out of whack'. This unbalanced feeling can actually happen quite often for some Libras because in our hectic world it can be hard to remain balanced and peaceful all the time. They will always try very hard though to bring everything back into balance when things are askew.
Libra's scales can also help them weigh two options. Libra's are known for being very fair minded and diplomatic, they want what's best for everybody. I actually have a funny little story to tell that demonstrates the fair energy of Libra. Today ( Sep 23rd) there is a New Moon in Libra, so of course the Libra energy is quite strong. My fiancee absolutely loves soccer, so we were watching a soccer game this morning and the game went way past overtime and far into penalties ( I think that's what it's called...) because the two teams kept coming to a tie, over and over again! I'm not even a big sports fan, but I thought it was so interesting because the Libra energy was so strong it was almost impossible for one team to win. The scales wanted balance, equality and fairness for everybody and that is exactly how Libras can act sometimes. They want to come to solutions that are a win win for everybody.
The Sun has trouble expressing itself in Libra at times because the Sun wants individuality, but Libra's identity can easily get lost and become wrapped up in a relationship with another person. It is important for Libra's to remember that having a harmonious relationship with someone while at the same time retaining their own individuality is a source of balance and is therefore very important for them. Speaking of relationships, Libra does in fact absolutely love them. They are very romantic at heart which is no wonder as Venus is their ruling planet. Libra's can feel incomplete when they aren't in partnerships. This makes a little bit of sense when you think about the fact that there are two scales in the symbol for Libra. If there was only one little scale, there wouldn't be any balance, would there? Libra almost needs another person to be the opposing scale so that they feel complete and balanced in their lives. This is a complicated issue, and relationships will be a big learning arena for Libras in this lifetime. Through them they can find ultimate balance, but it is quite a feat to do so.
Another trait that goes along with the scales, is indecisiveness. Libras are in fact notorious for being indecisive. They want to weigh their options before coming to a final decision. They fear making a wrong decision because they of course don't want to disrupt any balance in their lives. Even though, they are indecisive, they have the ability to 'make things happen'. They can be 'go- getters' and when something needs to done or they want something, they will go after it with gusto. This is because Libra is a cardinal sign. You can be sure though, that they won't go after anything until they have made sure that it is the right choice.
As I mentioned before, Libra is ruled by Venus. This rulership, besides creating a love of relationships, also creates a love of beauty with Libras. Lots of Libras are lovers of the arts. They also may always seem to be dressed nicely and their homes may be quite aesthetically pleasing.
Libra is an air sign. This makes Libras primarily concerned with the mental realm. They usually can be pretty intellectual. They usually aren't too emotional. This is also interesting when you think about the fact that Libra is the only zodiac sign whose symbol is an inanimate object. Emotions are messy for them and they may feel like they could disrupt the peace. Relationships though, since they are so important to a Libra's life may be a source of emotion. Make sure you remember that we are talking about a Libra Sun sign. A Moon sign in a person's chart can be a huge signifier of emotion, so if someone is a Libra Sun, but they have a Scorpio Moon, then they could be a lot more emotional than a typical Libra for instance.
A Libras downfall can be people pleasing or twisting the truth to maintain harmony. They must learn that this is false harmony. If they learn to allow themselves to give their own opinion and always tell the truth, then they can have real harmony in their lives.
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
-John Keats
The above quote by John Keats is an important one for Libras to remember. If you want beauty and you want harmony, you must realize that only the truth and things that are real are beautiful. Falsehoods and false living are not beautiful and are not harmonious.
~I wish all of you Libras a wonderful birthday month and for this month everybody remember to find real and true harmony in your lives~