
Monday, January 30, 2017

North Node in Virgo South Node in Pisces Transit: Brining Spirit into Matter

The North Node has been in Virgo with the South Node in Pisces since November 2015. The Nodes will change signs in May, so we're nearing the end of this nodal cycle. This means it's a good idea to really get a grip on these nodal energies and learn the lessons they are trying to teach us before we move on to the next cycle. If your birthday falls before May than this Node placement will be affecting you till your next birthday even when they change signs because the Nodes would have been in Virgo and Pisces in your Solar Return. 

With this Node transit we've been in we are dealing with the axis of Virgo and Pisces, which is the axis of matter and spirit.

Key Theme of This Cycle: Bringing Spirit into Matter 

Let's discuss the Nodes and what they represent a bit. The South Node is the are of life we don't want to fall back on. Instead we want to use that energy as a gift and channel it into the North Node as the North Node represents what we need to focus on. The North Node is a purpose that needs to be fulfilled. Of course balancing both the South Node and the North Node is wonderful and the highest ideal. 

South Node in Pisces
This South Node placement is all about the spirit. Pisces at it's highest manifestation is quite a beautiful energy. It emphasizes getting in touch with our spirits and spirituality. It's just not the time to focus ALL our energy on that. Connection to our spirit and spirituality is a gift though and so we shouldn't forget about that, we should just channel this energy into our physical lives and put it to use in practical ways. There are a lot of planets in Pisces at the moment, so there is still a big emphasis on spirituality, just use it in balance with your physical life. The darker side of Pisces that people could fall back on at this time is escapism. It may seem all too easy to escape, but it would be in no one's best interest. This could happen through alcohol, drugs or food. It also could be through something like watching too much t.v. and neglecting your responsibilities. Now if you suffer from any type of addiction it can be a very powerful time to get practical about cleaning yourself up. Don't fall deeper into the rut. Some people could even escape through spirituality at this time. Use what you have learned through spirituality as a gift, not as an escape mechanism to forget your life as a human being on this physical plane. Victim mentality is the last thing to look out for with the South Node in Pisces. It can be all too easy to slide into that kind of thinking, but it's not in your best interest. 

North Node in Virgo
Now with the North Node in Virgo we want to focus on our physical lives. It's time to take care of business, attend to details and get practical. Stop dreaming and start doing! We should bring the beauty of our spirits and what we have learned through spirituality and put it into use in our physical lives. Use the energy to create the kind of life you want. Manifest what you want into your reality. Virgo is very much concerned with health, so this is also a great time to make healthy changes and take care of our physical bodies. Virgo is an earth sign, so when you are wanting a spiritual practice it is a great idea to connect to Mother Earth and do things out in nature that are grounding. 

~Overall, balance is important when you are talking about the Nodes. If you take one thing away from this, remember to balance your inner and outer lives. Balance your spirit and the infiniteness of who you are with your life as a human being on this physical plane

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New Moon in Aquarius: Embracing Your Uniqueness, Bettering Humanity and Relationship Re-structuring

This Friday ( January 27th 2017 at 4:07 PM) there will be a New Moon in Aquarius. Finally it's time to move forward in the new year! 

The last New Moon we couldn't really move forward and there weren't any new beginnings around for the taking. This is because it was conjunct Mercury Retrograde. We finally got out of the Mercury Retrograde shadow period recently, so that energy is completely gone! Now with this first New Moon of the year we can finally get moving in the new year. 

The time of the New Moon is of course the perfect time to manifest and put into motion what you desire. Since this is the first opportunity we have had to do this in the new year, it would finally be a good time to make some new year's resolutions! 

The New Moon is taking place in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius. With this energy it is truly a great time to embrace your uniqueness and what makes you different from the crowd. Whatever you may be dealing with at the time of the New Moon, with the Aquarius energy it would be good to try to view things in a different light. Think outside the box! Aquarius energy is also great for connecting with groups and friends if you feel so inclined during this time. With the Aquarius drive to better humanity and have unity among all people the energy is also supportive of getting involved in any causes close to your heart etc. This Aquarius energy is one that we need in the U.S. during these uncertain times. 

While there are no aspects to the actual New Moon, which makes it a bit more low key, there are some planetary aspects going on around it. There is a square between Venus and Saturn and also a conjunction of Venus and Chiron. With Venus and Saturn we may have some relationship difficulties or tension. There may be a sense of restriction or coldness. Some people in a partnership could pull away a bit energetically out of fear of rejection. With the Chiron conjunction though, we need to try to heal some of our relationship wounds. 

Even though the New Moon isn't connected to these planets by aspect, it's still happening at the same time. Therefore instead of getting sucked into fear and focusing on everything that could be wrong within a relationship, focus on what you would like to manifest relationship wise. Saturn shows that relationships may need re-structuring, so re-structure in a positive way by using the Aquarius energy to approach things in a different way. 

~There may not be a whole lot going on this New Moon aspect wise, but there is still some important energy. Relationships are still shifting and changing ( a theme that has been prominent in different ways in recent months) and we shouldn't ignore the Aquarius energy that will be around for the taking as it is of the utmost importance at this time in history. ~

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Full Moon in Cancer: Activating a Cardinal Grand Cross

On Thursday ( January 12th 2017 at 3:34 AM) there will be a Full Moon in Cancer. There is so much going on around this Full Moon as it is activating a grand cross. A lot of energy we have been dealing with is coming to a head and there is a lot culminating at this time. It's a sensitive time with the Moon in it's home sign of Cancer and it's a time of release since it is a Full Moon. 

The grand cross is taking place in Cardinal signs. Cardinal energy is the modality of initiation, so theres a lot of high energy right now. We just got out of Mercury retrograde, so after that period of slowing down we've now got a lot of energy that wants to move forward in many directions.

Moon in Cancer 
The Moon in Cancer is activating one part of the grand cross. The Moon is the emotional part of this configuration and the part that wants to nurture and take care of others since it is in Cancer. 

Sun in Capricorn/Pluto
The Capricorn part of the grand cross on the other hand wants us to set some boundaries when it comes to giving to others. It's urging us to be practical and get done what needs to be done. Pluto is a transformational influence here urging us to transform these relationship dynamics while alerting us as to what needs to be done. 

Jupiter in Libra
The Libra part of the grand cross is making us look at relationships and desire them. It's making us look at the 'we'. What needs to be done to have compromise and harmony? We are being urged towards growth in regards to partnership. 

Uranus in Aries
The Aries part of the grand cross is making us desire independence. It's urging us to express ourselves as unique individuals. Uranus in this grand cross gives us a bit of a restlessness. All these cardinal planets in general are also contributing to restlessness because there is such a strong desire to move forward and we are being pulled in different directions. 

Chiron and Saturn 
Chiron and Saturn are not part of the grand cross, but they are being activated around the Moon at this time as well. Chiron is urging us to deal with and release emotional wounds while Saturn is similar to the Capricorn part of the grand cross in that is bringing up stuff that 'needs to be  done'. Saturn may be quite helpful in helping us be a little more structured at this time as well. Saturn and Chiron are even making an aspect to each other, which is a bit difficult because it is a square. This is making it a bit difficult to deal with our wounds, but the Full Moon is giving us the opportunity to let go if we so choose. 

Phew! This is a high energy Full Moon with a lot of planets involved. It may seem that we are being pulled in different directions, but the key is to try to find the right balance between everything. There is a lot of change and new beginnings though right around the corner, we are just getting amped up and prepared for it.