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© Lisa Falzon |
On Saturday July 12th 2014 at 4:25 AM (PDT) there will be a Full Moon in Capricorn. This is also going to be a super moon, so the moon will appear larger and the energy of the moon will be stronger. There will be a lot of conflict going on in the stars as well. The Moon and Sun of course will be opposing each other, but the nodes of the moon will also be square to the Sun and the Moon, forming a grand cross. We've already dealt with a big cardinal grand cross, so these opposing cardinal energies are ones we've been dealing with for a while now. The issues we will be dealing with is the constant struggle and attempt at balancing our family( Cancer) and Work ( Capricorn) lives and the struggle between what we desire and want (Aries) and what others want and desire us to do ( Libra). The Aries and Libra part comes from the nodes, so these issues that are being brought up are karmic in nature. Another aspect surrounding this full moon is Mars conjunct the North Node which is therefore square to the Moon and Sun as well. This means that trying to please others may have felt frustrating recently and there may be some anger you need to release from any situation in which you felt obligated to someone else. Also on the topic of releasing ( which is always important to do during a full moon) since the Moon will be in Capricorn it's time to release any obligations that you have put upon yourself that are not worth doing that are making you feel imprisoned rather than empowered.
Basically it's time for you to release whatever pressures and conflicts you or others have put upon yourself. It's time for you to take the reins in your own life. If you want to spend more time with your family, but you have to drop a shift at work to make it happen, than do it. If you want to make a career change, but are afraid of what your family will think, just do it anyways if it will make you happy. If you have been pressuring yourself to do a project, but actually don't really feel like doing it, than don't. If you want to hang out by yourself , but everyone else wants you to go to a party, don't go, do what you want to do. To release these issues and conflicts make it simple by taking back your power and doing what you feel is right and will make you happy. You are your own authority, so become empowered and balance out your life.
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