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Today, October 23rd 2014 is the first day of the Sun's transit through Scorpio! The sign of Scorpio is known for being an intense and mysterious sign and because it is the month of Scorpio I want to dive into the secrets of Scorpio and the personality of a Scorpio Sun.
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and represents the eighth stage of evolution through the signs. In the seventh stage of Libra we learn to relate and have relationships with other people. We try to connect to them on a mental level and desire balanced, harmonious relationships. In Scorpio we want to take relating with others to a deeper level. We now want to connect to them emotionally, not just mentally. In Scorpio we desire to have one on one relationships that are really meaningful, we desire complete union with another person, hence Scorpios association with sex.
Besides connecting with people in a deep and profound way Scorpio is greatly concerned with transformation and the cycles of life such as sex, birth, death and rebirth. My personal favorite symbol for Scorpio is that of a phoenix because it so accurately describes the transformation Scorpios seem to constantly go through. They can face the darkness of life and sometimes get sucked into it, but they have this amazing ability to let go parts of themselves that no longer serve them, die and to rise up from their ashes, reborn and better than they were before. It also seems like many Scorpios experience events that greatly push them to transform, as learning transformation seems to be part of their lessons here on earth.
Scorpios are very intense and passionate people. Scorpio is a fixed sign and perhaps this is what gives Scorpios the ability to really focus on things. They are very determined and when they want something chances are they will get it because they put their whole heart and soul into what they love and what they desire. They can become obsessed sometimes with things that they love as well.
Scorpio is a water sign and is therefore concerned with emotion. Scorpios feel emotion on a very very deep level. They may not show their feelings to most people though, reserving it for those of their close 'inner circle' and for private moments. They have tons of feelings and emotions though, that other signs would possibly find it hard to deal with. Scorpios feel life so acutely most of time. A beautiful song could touch their soul in inexplainable ways, a gorgeous spring day could uplift them with joy, or a sad story could rip their heart to shreds. This is what life feels like to a lot of Scorpios at times, though others may not notice. Scorpios are called magnetic a lot of the time and perhaps it is because of how strongly they 'feel' life. Perhaps others find them on an unconscious level to be throbbing with all the pain and joy of life and this makes them attractive and interesting to others, like some sort of pandoras box. Scorpios also may come off as mysterious which may also interest others, although perhaps over time it can be frustrating as well. Scorpios may come across as mysterious because they tend to be closely guarded or secretive. They can be a bit suspicious of others and so put up guards until they are sure that a person is trustworthy. A lot of Scorpios only like to open up to a handful of people, so if a Scorpio has opened themselves up to you, consider yourself lucky because you must be quite a trustworthy person who they love a whole lot. Some Scorpios however may have secrets and parts of their personality which they will never share with anyone. As secretive as they are Scorpios can easily find out other peoples secrets. They can sometimes have a type of intuition that lets them read between the lines and if you're lying, a Scorpio could very easily find out. In fact Scorpios could do very well as detectives or any other line of work that involves reading between the lines because of their strong perceptions.
Scorpios do not like control what so ever. They will not on any level ever let anyone control them. This is not a bad thing. The bad thing is that some Scorpios can hate being controlled so much, that they start being a bit controlling themselves. Scorpios like being the ones in power. This can of course manifest as a bad thing and they could potentially deal with some control issues in their lives. However, remember that Scorpios are like the mythical phoenix, they can transform. If a Scorpio starts having control issues they can completely turn themselves around. They can realize that the only thing we truly have control over is how we react to things. If they realize this they can be truly powerful in a really positive way.
Jealousy is another difficult and not so great feeling that Scorpios can sometimes have to grapple with. They can become quite jealous particularly over a partner. They can get that way because they want to be the sole object of their partners affection. Scorpios are usually wonderfully loyal and expect partners to return that loyalty. The jealous bug can start to eat at them if they feel like any loyalty is being threatened. If they learn to control their reactions though, this won't be too big of a problem and sometimes a little jealous is healthy simply cause it's human and shows we care.
The last 'difficult' attribute of Scorpio is the famous scorpion sting. Like a scorpion, Scorpios have a defense mechanism. When someone hurts them, which could be quite painful noting how vibrantly they feel life, they defend themselves. They may say some pretty awful mean things that hurt you at your core, but that is really only because you hurt them at their core. Of course this isn't a great attribute, but it's something Scorpios can sometimes have to cope with. Scorpios feel and have to deal with a lot of dark emotions at times , but they can absolutely transform from it and when they choose to transform it is truly magical and inspiring. Scorpios have huge reserves of strength. They may be vulnerable, but they can fight they're inner demons and come out tenfolds stronger.
The sign of Scorpio has a reputation for being intense and maybe even a bit scary. Scorpios are truly magnificent though, because they have to deal with the murky depths of the pschye where most people don't want to go. They can face the darkness and utterly transform themselves which I can't stress enough how amazing that is. They are phoenixes and butterflies, the transformers of the world. They have strength to face and fight the darkness and they have the beautiful strength to feel every last bit of human emotion.
Happy Birthday to all the Scorpios out there! I hope everyone has a great month and remember that this month is a wonderful time to transform ourselves (especially with the eclipse) and to appreciate the most beautiful gift we have as human; emotions.