Hi everyone! The Astrology is getting complex and intense right now, so I wanted to do my best and break down a bit of what is going on tonight, tomorrow and even a bit of Saturday. I thought it might be interesting to attach a picture of the chart for tomorrow. You don’t need to understand it, so don’t be confused by it if you are completely mystified as to what all those symbols mean. I’m just sharing what the charts look like for those that don’t know. What you’re looking at is the 2 D version of what the planets are up to right now. It’s my job to interpret it for you in my role as an Astrologer. Astrologers throughout the ages as they tracked the planets to see how the energy affected humans (we're talking at least a couple of thousand years) have created these charts and symbols as a language and key for what's going on up above. It's the language of Astrology. We have to have something to look at to be able to see what's going on and give the information to the lay person! Anways, just thought I'd be fun to show the chart for the current energies.
Enough of technicalities though, let's get into what it all means!
✨ First of all Mars in Cancer is still trine Neptune in Pisces tonight. I mentioned that in my post on Facebook and Instagram yesterday if you happened to read it. We are really getting in touch with our feelings and our intuitions. Surrendering to the flow. On so many levels it’s so important for everyone to get in touch with their emotions and desires. A major theme in the universe right now that will really peak with Eclipses in July is to get into the Cancer energy, which is all about feelings. We can’t shove our feelings down or run from them anymore. We must honor the feelings, the vulnerability and the softness. It’s important to nurture ourselves and find healthy emotional security within ourselves. With this Neptune aspect we may have been feeling the flow of emotions and desires a lot since yesterday. It’s important to tune into that at least. It also has been a more go with the flow type day. Dreamy perhaps. Spacey. For some maybe difficult to get stuff done or function in practicalities. This is great to tune into yourself and also great for spiritual practices, meditative practices etc.
✨Things are starting to get a bit tricky though, because Mars is going to oppose Saturn in Capricorn briefly. We are opening up to feelings and our emotional drives and desires more, but where as Neptune can sweep us off into sweet oblivion, Saturn can seem like a frustrating restriction or block. Reality looming over us. We can’t forget about reality, doing what we need to do or taking care of ourselves. Yet, we also don’t want to get so caught up in that though that we shut down our ‘inconvenient’ feelings, that we shut down our desires just cause we see blocks to getting them or that it’s just too difficult. This summer is majorly about balancing these two energies on a personal level. We can’t forget about the practical stuff and those foundations, but the world really needs us all as individuals to get into our heart and our feelings. To not shut down our emotional desires. Tonight and tomorrow talk yourself out of any depressive, restrictive thoughts you get yourself into. If you come up against external restriction don’t let it get you down. Of course other than that watch out for getting into arguments, fights with authority and be safe with this energy as well. Rage or exploding are not the types of feelings we want to get into. Handle your feelings and work through them rather than stuffing them down or just completely loosing your cool.
✨ On a brief side note the Moon is in Scorpio at the moment and will be tomorrow as well. This just really adds to the emotional energy in the air. This adds some depth and intensity. It’s good that it’s helping us get in touch with those depths of feelings even if it’s scary and also helping bring up those intense desires. It’s time to feel emotionally alive and to feel lit up with passion. Even if it’s messy. Even if it’s scary. Even if there are fears, frustrations or blocks along the way or people or situations that seem Iike they are trying to stop you. Keep going. Push through. Crack yourself open. Work through any difficult emotions that come up.
✨Tomorrow Saturn will be sliding back into a sextile with Neptune and Jupiter sliding back into a square with Neptune. The Saturn and Neptune aspect is helpful because if we work with it we can find the balance between reality and the demands of reality and feelings and going with the flow of things. The reality of Saturn can work with the endless dreams and cosmic flow of life and all its possibilities that Neptune shows us. It kind of shows that we can bring our dreams into reality if we find a happy medium and don’t get too sucked into harshness and restriction or too sucked into crazy ungrounded delusions. Neptune and Jupiter squaring is something we’ve already experienced once. It has a lot to do with being careful of what beliefs you buy into especially those that are spiritual or religious in nature. Careful of falling into delusion. Careful about falling into that with anything. Things could be confusing sometimes. At least Saturn is in the middle of the two keeping some grounding. We need to explore feelings and dreams sure, but we can’t get delusional and buy into things that aren’t working. This aspect definitely is affecting the world stage and different societal, governmental and religious structures. It’s impact isn’t going to be just these few days but an ongoing thing throughout the year. I don’t really want to get into that though. We’ll keep it on the personal level for the sake of brevity. Besides, everything truly starts on an individual level anyways.
✨Ok last aspect to talk about right now is Mercury in Cancer meeting up with that North Node in Cancer and then also opposing Saturn. Then it will be align with Mars. This is just more of those feelings again! Mercury has to do with communication and expression. Even messages. This is happening starting Saturday. There’s more opportunity to express our feelings. Start to open up. Perhaps getting important news. Important messages and communications. Those don’t always have to be emotionally based, but there can be a lot of expression in the right direction. It can be a mixed bag though because then it comes against Saturn. Oh and also trines Neptune! (Guys there really is so much going on it’s hard to talk about it all! I could go on for ages lol) There may be good messages, things coming together, an ability to express your feelings more. There could also be difficult messages for some or more likely some depressive or worrying thoughts. It seems to be a theme that as we get into our feelings more it’s like a stop and go. Neptune just shows this great intuitive quality though. This ability to get swept off into the tide of feelings and all that is. A cosmic rush you could say. In these next days we may feel moments that are a tidal wave of feelings and desires carrying us forward in our lives to the way we want to feel. Moments of surrender. Openness. Compassion and love for ourselves and others. Getting lost in feelings, sights, sounds, music, art, desires, sexuality, life on a cosmic scale. A feeling of being naturally high. Awake to all the feelings and sensations of life. A cracking open of spirit. Yet, there can be moments where we snap out of that and feel restricted or weighed down again. The fear or the depression can creep up. The naysayers. The authority figures. The parent with the wagging finger that can mask itself as different people in our lives or just reside in a murky corner of our souls. It’s just a stop and go process. It’s ok. Go with it. Just don’t let the difficult restricted moments keep you shut up in a box. Maybe life seems easier that way, maybe you can function better, but it’s not worth it. The reality checks can be helpful though because you do need to maintain your physical life, responsibilities and your body. Use the Saturn energy to maintain that, while you open up to the rest of it. It is truly about balance.
When Mercury meets up with Mars though, it may seem like blast off. Expression, feelings, desires and drives all come together to propel you forward. All around the time of the Full Moon. Should be a powerful turning point. A doorway of revelations, release of feelings shutting a door on old ways of being and believing. More on that in a different post though. Can only talk about so much at once! Just felt like I should check in and ramble a bit about current energies because it’s a major time and it can be intense. I usually would have made a shorter instagram and facebook post, but it would have been too long, so I thought I'd put it on the blog. I have lots more to say about upcoming energies so I will be around and finding ways to get the information to you. Wishing you all the best xx
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