
Monday, December 19, 2016

Mercury Retrograde: Time for Patience and Turning Inwards

Today (December 19th 2016) Mercury has turned retrograde. It will be retrograde till January 8th mostly in the sign of Capricorn and then ending in the sign of Sagittarius. 

A retrograde = A planet's orbit slowing down and the appearance of the planet going backwards.

Basically a retrograde is a slowing down of energy and a turning inwards. During a Mercury retrograde communication can be slow and there can be communication mix ups, confusion and misinterpretation. Technology/appliances etc. can go on the fritz and travel plans can go awry. 
The key with all this is patience. Mercury retrograde affects us so much in the modern world because we have forgotten patience to an extent with all our fast paced technology. If you slow down, have patience and roll with the punches, all these things shouldn't be too frustrating. Also, remember it's not a time to start new things. If you start something new the dynamic of it could change when Mercury goes direct.

Instead of starting new things, Mercury retrograde is good for anything that starts with re. Reviewing, reevaluating, reflecting, redoing etc. are the things you want to focus on. This energy can be helpful in many circumstances. This Mercury retrograde happens to fall at the end of the year, which may be helpful because we can process everything that has happened and think about how to preceed forward when Mercury goes direct. 

Mercury turns mental energy inwards, so this can really help illuminate things hidden in the depths of our psyche. Make sure you rest and recuperate, so you have the time and space to turn your thinking inwards. This is a good time to rest and review after the last three months of crazy super moons. This is a time for self care and more alone time. 

Mercury retrograde brings up the past as well. This energy resonates with the energy of the holidays. People from your past may be showing up and you may be thinking about past memories etc. 

This Mercury retrograde mostly takes us back through the sign of Capricorn. This is a very practical sign and energy. This may help us review things in a practical manner and in a businesslike approach. This is good because perhaps the retrograde won't be as emotional as it would be otherwise. Mercury retrograde starts out conjunct Pluto. This sounds intense and power struggles may come up at first. The good news is that as the retrograde goes along, Mercury will be moving away from Pluto. So we will move away from these power struggles and come back to them when Mercury is going direct. So perhaps during our reviewing, we will become better equipped to deal with power struggles etc. 

Lastly, Mercury ends it's retrograde in Sagittarius. At the very end of the retrograde, we will have to face up to our inner truths, which may be highlighted and illuminated. We might be reminded to deal with beliefs and thinking patterns that no longer serve us, which was something brought up during the Full Moon in Gemini. 

~Yes Mercury retrograde can be frustrating. There are many positive and beneficial things brought about by Mercury retrograde though. If you have patience and really take the time to turn inwards and review, this shouldn't be too tough of a time. ~

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