
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo: No One is You and That is Your Power

Tomorrow (January 31st 2018 at 5:27 AM PST) we are having a Full Moon total Lunar Eclipse in Leo! It's a Super Moon as well, just amping up the intensity. We are wrapping up a cycle at this time that started at the end of August with the Solar Eclipse in Leo that we had. On the 15th of February we will have a Solar Eclipse in Aquarius and that will start a new cycle. With this Lunar Eclipse, it's a time of culmination and release. 

Eclipse's take place near the Nodes of the Moon, so the themes of Eclipses are the the themes of the Nodes. This is important because the Nodes signify energies, which we all need to figure out and step into.  When we had the Solar Eclipse in Leo at the end of August, the Sun and Moon were aligned with the North Node. At that time we started a cycle of stepping into our authenticity, stepping into our light/shining our light, recognizing our gifts, and getting in touch with and following our hearts. 

We are now at the culmination point of that cycle that started at the end of August. We are at the end point. It's a wonderful time to review what transpired since August. How did you personally step into your light and authenticity? How did you follow your heart? If you feel like you didn't really step into your authenticity or get in touch with your heart, this is a very crucial time to examine that and try to release whatever blocks you have that are holding you back from doing that. Even if you did step into that energy, it's important to see at this time if there is any little thing that is still holding you back from entering into your light and heart more fully. It's time to let go of whatever is standing in the way of that. 

With the Lunar Eclipse, we have both the Leo and Aquarius energy in play now. It's time to find balance between these two energies and to start to get in touch with the polarity of Leo: Aquarius. When we have the Solar Eclipse on February 15th we'll step more into the Aquarius energy, but right now it's time to find balance. Right now it's important for us to balance our heads and our hearts. It's important to remember that once we step into our authentic selves, it's important that we share that with others and with the world. Remember that when we step into our light we can make a difference; we can help others. If we lived on a planet where everyone was completely authentic and shined their inner light, wouldn't the world be a better place? 

Aquarius does have to do with the unconventional, so the Leo and Aquarius energies can work nicely together in that respect. We can step into our weirdness, the side of ourselves that is different and doesn't fit in any boxes. Our authentic, weird and unique selves. 

The planet that is the closest to the Eclipse is Venus. It's in Aquarius conjunct the South Node. This means there's a reminder about love and relationships as well. Perhaps you've been so into shining your own light and getting into who you are lately. Aquarius reminds you to not forget about others though, and Venus reminds you to not forget about love. It's a good time to bring your authentic self into a relationship and see the beauty and balance that comes from doing that. 

As we reach this point of culmination and before the Solar Eclipse coming up starts a new Aquarius centered cycle, it's important to remember everything Leo has taught you and to not get too caught up in Aquarius's downfalls. Remember to not get stuck in your head. Don't forget about the heart centered beauty of Leo. Aquarius rules groups and community,  so with that in mind don't try to blend in or do what everyone else thinks you should do. Your authentic self is what will ultimately benefit everyone anyway. Your light and authentic truth are needed at this time! 

💫Overall, Lunar Eclipses are periods of change and a culmination of a cycle. Not only that, but this Full Moon is also a Super Moon meaning the Moon is closer to the earth. This means that the energy is enhanced and intense! This can be a time of heightened emotion as well, so hang in there. I know there's a lot of hype out there about this being a Blue Moon as well, so I thought I would mention and explain that. It means that there are two Full Moons in a month. It doesn't mean anything astrologically because the Moon cycle hasn't changed and practically speaking, there can't ever be an extra Moon phase. To find out where the Lunar Eclipse is affecting you more personally, look to see what houses in your chart have Leo and Aquarius in them if you are at all familiar with your chart. If you aren't, I'm always available for phone consultations to see how this is affecting you personally or to do your chart for you! 💫

Monday, January 15, 2018

New Moon in Capricorn: Building the Lives We Desire

Tomorrow (January 16th 2018 at 6:17 PM PST) we are having a New Moon in Capricorn. Everything in the cosmos has been intense recently and this New Moon is no exception. This is actually quite a big moment for us all. 

New Moons are a time to plant seeds. A time we can start fresh and decide/work on what we would like to manifest in our lives. All the Capricorn energy lately has been urging us to get down to business to create the lives we want. It's about building new structures, it's about being practical and working hard. Manifesting what we want in our physical realities. This New Moon is just another stepping stone and push to do this. Plus the Capricorn energy is at an all time high right now with six planets in Capricorn! 

💫I want to talk about the planets besides the Sun and the Moon (which together form the New Moon) that are in Capricorn right now and how they are contributing to all that's going on. 💫

We finally have Mercury in Capricorn. It was kind of a straggler since it went retrograde last month. We may not have been completely sure about the direction our lives were going in and maybe we were missing some information. Now that it has joined the Capricorn party we are able to make decisions. We are able to use our practical minds to help build the future we want. 

Venus 💟
Venus has been part of the Capricorn party for a little while now and is nearing the end of it's transit there.  It's the closest Capricorn planet to the New Moon. It's been pretty highlighted lately and this is no exception. This is helping us build lives that include what we love. It also just places a big focus on relationships. For some people building the relationship you want is important at this time. Commitment and taking relationships seriously is in the air. 

Saturn recently started it's 2 1/2 year cycle through Capricorn. Saturn rules Capricorn, so it's really powerful there. It's the ruler of all this Capricorn energy right now. It's quite a big player in the cosmos at the moment. It's really helping us get practical and serious about our lives. Saturn is an authority figure, a taskmaster and father time all in one. I think this placement can be powerful and helpful, but if you aren't taking your life seriously and don't realize the precious nature of time, life could be harder for you. 

Pluto has been in Capricorn for a few years and has a few more years to go. It really adds a big transformative energy to all this Capricorn. It's making a huge exciting aspect that I'm stoked about right now. Jupiter in Scorpio is making a sextile to it. This is a rare and exciting aspect. So much growth and transformation at this time! I mean, it's major! Also, Pluto is ruling Jupiter right now because Jupiter is in the sign that Pluto rules, making this even more intense! The Scorpio energy is contributing in general to all this Capricorn energy. Besides that big Jupiter aspect, Mars is in a sextile with the New Moon. This gives us the drive to build the lives that we want. The Scorpio energy is making us dig deep and to make sure that we are building lives that are rich and satisfying on a soul level. Only what we really want and desire will do at this time. 

Uranus square the Sun and Venus
Over the weekend Uranus in Aries squared both Venus and the Sun. The energy is still in play a little, but mostly happened right before the New Moon. Uranus brought some unexpected twists perhaps and threw some curveballs our way, but hopefully even if they were rough we've been able to assimilate them alright and we can move forward accordingly now. 

Chiron Sextile the New Moon 
The last aspect/planet I want to talk about is Chiron in Pisces, which is making a sextile to the New Moon. This brings healing energy to this time. We are healing certain things in our lives, so that we can move forward and build the lives we are meant to have. 

☆ Overall this is an intense time! A wonderful time to start building the lives we want however. Yes the energy has more of a serious tone then a light hearted one, but not in a bad way. The universe is pushing us forwards and personally I think it's rather exciting. ☆