
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Saturn in Aquarius

A shift of importance has happened in the cosmos, which is that Saturn has entered Aquarius. It hasn't been in Aquarius since the beginning of 1994. Some of us haven't seen it here for awhile, some not at all. For some not since they were born (like me, hello Saturn Return!) Saturn will be giving us a peek into what it's like in Aquarius, but it will retrograde back into Capricorn in July though the 1st half of December. Then later in December it will be there to stay till March 2023. 

Saturn has been in it's ruling sign of Capricorn. A very serious, structured, practical placement. Saturn there went through a lot. It met up with Pluto in January, something that hadn't happened for 500 years. This was all about old structures falling away. Traditions falling away and building the new. I totally believe what we're currently going through is part of this. Saturn will need to revisit some of this later on. A check up, so to speak to see how that's all doing. Now Saturn in Aquarius is starting to show us a new way. Aquarius is out of the box energy. It's futuristic. It's free. It's time to step into a new way of doing things. New structures. The future is now. Saturn in Capricorn was restricted and we could have felt that in some aspect of our lives, but we are being shown that we need to have a new way of doing things. The old ways were restrictive and need to go. Saturn and Aquarius are an interesting combo because it's about structure, yet freedom. Structures that promote greater freedom. Typical control and structure won't work well anymore. This is a placement where we may not like being told what to do. This is a placement that asks us what kind of structures are the best for humanity, for everyone, the community, the planet etc. Aquarius is about caring for it all. Our structures will have to take this into account now. We're building new structures that are more supportive. 

People are not quite sure when the Age of Aquarius starts, but we are around it at least. If it's not already here, we're entering it. Basically that will be a new 2,000 year cycle. It means that in the spring (in the northern hemisphere) the Sun when it enters Aries will align with the constellation of Aquarius. It's hard to tell whether it's in Pisces still or Aquarius now, but regardless of this Saturn in Aquarius is helping us usher in this new age. This age that's about equality and caring for everyone. The age of technology as well. Yet it can also be emotionally detached, so we must look out for that. This time period of social distancing is so funny cause it's so Saturn in Aquarius. We're connecting to each other more in a way using technology, but we're detached. Now this works during this virus, but I would be really careful of getting too detached overall though now. Everyone talks about the benefits of the Age of Aquarius without talking about how detached we could all get from each other however. 

Saturn actually was the original ruler of Aquarius, so it is a strong placement, but when Uranus was discovered, it became the ruler of Aquarius. Think of Uranus as an important part of this transit. Shakeups, change and chaos are an important part of restructuring right now. Uranus will be Taurus for the whole of Saturn's transit through Aquarius. Taurus represents a stable foundation and with this transit all of our foundations are being shaken up. Some things especially changing can be finances, food, agriculture and the earth. These changes may be part of this new structure with Uranus in Taurus ruling Saturn in Aquarius. 

~It's exciting to see Saturn entering a new sign and this one looks promising in these current times. Let's see how it all plays out! ~

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

New Moon in Aries: Time for a Refresh

In the wee small hours this morning we have a New Moon in Aries! Despite the strange times there is a refresh energy in the universe. This is the New Moon that coincides with the beginning of spring. This is fertile energy to utilize despite the circumstances. 

Aries is the sign that is about new beginnings and initiation. Use this time to initiate something new. Think of it all as a fresh clean slate. Aries has a lot to do with the 'self' as well. Independence. Identity. Now that everyone has more time to themselves they can explore their identity. 

This New Moon will be conjunct Chiron and in close conjunction with Black Moon Lilith as well. Chiron and Black Moon Lilith have really been bringing up wounds, shadows and fears for awhile now on both a personal and collective level. This New Moon can help us heal. Shine light on these wounds and shadows. Fears. Perhaps showing us the bogeyman isn't what we think it is. Bringing light to the darkness. This is a time of healing and transmutation. 

The New Moon is square the Nodes too. We are at a crossroads. A point of tension. The old way, the new way, what will we choose? Will we choose the old structures, the old ways of doing things? Choosing security over feeling? Or will we choose to follow our hearts this time around? Then the wounds and fears have us torn and undecided. This New Moon is here to transmute these wounds and fears. To let us start fresh and choose a better way. Things are falling apart. It's best to let the old ways go. Forge a new path. A path based on following your heart completely. Perhaps even on a collective level this is what we're doing. 

There's also a semi-sextile aspect from the New Moon to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus keeps showing up strong a lot lately! We're getting a little reminder that it's time to do things differently. Don't look to old solutions, look to the new! Shakeups are necessary now. Uranus rules chaos. Chaos is necessary though sometimes. To cause complete disorder, so that there can be new order able to come together. So tap into zany, chaotic Uranus. Don't get sucked into crazy energy, embrace the different, the new. Allow the earthquake to shake it all up. 

~This is a crazy time we're living in, but it's time for the new. Allow the cosmic reshuffling to occur. Choose the new path. Happy New Moon everyone ~

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Full Moon in Virgo: Time to Go with the Flow, Tune Into Your Dreams and Get in Touch With the Magic of Life

Mercury is finally out of it's retrograde right in time for a Full Moon in Virgo! Things are definitely reaching a turning point in our lives. 

With Mercury direct we're about to finally have more clarity. We've dealt with issues, reflected, maybe dealt with some of the past, but still probably felt like we were in a fog. Now as Mercury picks up the pace things start to make more sense. The pieces may be coming together. The fog will start to be clearing. Now we can move forward more. With more clarity. Now we can make decisions. Mercury is going direct in Aquarius where it will be briefly before moving back through Pisces. In Aquarius we can start to see solutions perhaps we didn't see earlier. Unique perspectives. Then as it moves back through Pisces as you go with the flow things can be revealed to you. In fact going with the flow and tuning in to all that is, is so important right now as during the Full Moon, the Sun, which forms half of the Full Moon energy is coming off of a conjunction with Neptune. This is where we should be focused as we move forward. We should be in a 'go with the flow' state. Trusting when we go with that more, we will be led in the right direction. It's a time to tap into your intuition. It's a time to realize the infinite potential. That you are not limited. It's time to tap into the dreams, your imagination, the magic of life. The romance of it all. Sure it's a fantastical type energy, but this is the energy we need to flow with. It's been intense lately in the cosmos, but now it's time to utilize what we have learned and processed to flow forwards and to dream big. Flow towards your dreams, the romance, the beauty. Remember your infinite potential. 

The Moon in Virgo is more of what we are releasing. The nitpicky ness, the perfection, the criticism. Don't worry about the details, don't think so small. Don't criticize the journey. It's time to release all that. Have your aha moments and just go with the flow. Think of the infinite possibilities, not all the little things that could go wrong. Sure there's a huge earth focus right now in the cosmos, so yes we are focused on the reality and shaping that, but this Full Moon is helping us release too much focus there. We shouldn't get too limited there. Time to dream. The Full Moon in Virgo is also just very purifying. Whatever you need to be purified this is the time for it. Can be good to get more healthy physically and all that as well. 

At the same time as the Full Moon, Venus in Taurus will be making positive aspects to the Nodes. It's a great time to get in proper alignment in terms of love and also what you love. There's a sensual energy of allowing yourself to enjoy life and it's pleasures. This is an earthy energy, but not a boring restricted one, it's one that reminds us that our reality should be one we enjoy filled with love and beauty. With the North Node in Cancer, we must tune into our hearts when it comes to love and projects. This Venus aspect is really beautiful. 

Honestly before looking at the chart for this Full Moon I expected to see something more intense, but this energy is beautiful if utilized honestly. We have more clarity, communication and movement forward. We are being urged to let go of nitpicking and focusing small. To go with the flow and open up to the infinite, romance, dreams, etc. To follow our hearts and enjoy life. Hey, not so bad a prescription from the universe! Go and experience that beautiful life. Quit looking at the details and worrying.