
Monday, November 19, 2018

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius ( And a Bit in Scorpio!): What does your future look like?

On November 16th (2018) Mercury turned retrograde right after Venus turned direct. We've had pretty constant retrogrades since summer. A Mars retrograde, then a Mercury retrograde while Mars was still retrograde, and then most recently a Venus Retrograde. All the personal planets! (all the planets go retrograde, but these three affect us the most personally, so these are the ones I'm talking about). Now we are having the final retrograde of the year where we get to reflect on everything we've learned and integrate it all. 

All of these retrogrades were frustrating to some degree I know, but the universe is really trying to get us all majorly on track this year. It's like our life path is a bowling lane, and the universe put the guards up so that we can't veer off course. Ultimately these are really free will choices though, but it's more supported and better for our lives and happiness to go with the energy and do the work. 

If you got more on track during the recent retrogrades hopefully you are more aware of your authentic self, your deep desires, the right path and life that aligns with your authentic self, what you would like in romantic relationships, and hopefully you released situations that were pulling you off path. Now after all of that we are ready to move forward, but we need to use this Mercury retrograde to integrate it all and see how this all fits together. 

Mercury will mostly be retrograde in Sagittarius. Sagittarius's symbol is the archer and it is the sign that is focused on the future. Now that we have hopefully gotten more on track, we can take this time to reflect and see how everything we've learned fits into our futures. It's an important final step. This retrograde may not seem quite so withdrawn as the other ones because while Mercury appears to be moving backwards, Sagittarius is forward focused. We should remember however, that reflection and time spent taking it easy is a good idea at this time. 

Mercury will actually move back into Scorpio for a few days at the end of it's retrograde. After our days focused on the future and thinking about how it all fits together, we will have a few days to finally check in and double check that we are truly following our desires and the right path. These few days might feel more withdrawn and the reflection energy may be deeper. 

Typical Mercury Retrograde Things to Watch Out For:

-Communication difficulties/miscommunication

-Technology acting up

-Be extra cautious about travel plans

-Careful of starting new things, be cautious and discerning about them

-People from the past may crop up

-You may feel like spending more time alone (I know it's the holiday season, but you'll be better off if you make sure to sneak in some alone time too)

-It's a good time to re-do, re-think etc. 

It may seem kind of annoying that we are having another retrograde. This is like the final puzzle piece though! It's helpful and necessary. So start thinking about what you would like your future to look like. Start putting together everything you've learned about yourself. It truly is a powerful time. I know this energy can get a bit restless (especially with Jupiter in it's home sign, which is the ruler of most of Mercury retrograde). It's like we want to run towards the future with open arms, but we gotta chill for a minute and figure it all out. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Jupiter in Sagittarius

On November 8th (2018) Jupiter entered Sagittarius where it will be till the very beginning of December 2019. Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius, so this is a great placement for it. Jupiter is the largest planet and it has to do with growth and expansion. It is also known as the planet of luck. Wherever it is transiting we are expanding through the traits of that sign.

With Jupiter at home in Sagittarius, get ready to just experience lots of growth and expansion. It's time to expand our horizons. This is a placement that has the potential to make everyone more optimistic and excited for the future. Sagittarius is the archer looking for where to shoot his arrow next and we will probably be doing just that, looking towards the future ready to explore and have adventures. 

Sagittarius has to do with the 'higher mind' and exploring beliefs and philosophies. This can be a time where we really expand our minds and our beliefs about life and spirituality. Our philosophies and even other cultures. Sagittarius is a sign that celebrates diversity. 

The thing about Jupiter in Sagittarius is that people can really overdo things. This is the caveat and it's really important during this year to not go overboard with anything. Don't gamble, don't overindulge, don't become a wild party animal. Be excited about the future, stay optimistic, have adventures, but don't push anything! Yes, it's time to expand and grow, but don't go overboard with this. Yes, Jupiter rules growth and expansion, but it's not limitless, so don't start thinking you are. The planet right after Jupiter is Saturn, which happens to be in it's home sign of Capricorn at the moment. Saturn has to do with restriction. It's the last planet that really has to do with the material world and it is a kind of container that holds it all together. That is why it has to do with restriction. The human world has it's limits. Especially at this time with Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Sagittarius you will be reminded of this. When you get way over enthusiastic thinking you're invincible with Jupiter, Saturn reminds you that you have got to be practical, structured and to know your limits. Opportunities and expansion abound with Jupiter in Sagittarius, but you still have to take it slow and steady up the mountain like a mountain goat. 

The last thing I want to talk about is Jupiter in Sagittarius and spirituality. Jupiter in Sagittarius has to do with beliefs, higher knowledge, religions and spiritual teachers. At one point it will square Neptune in Pisces, which has to do with spirituality and is a very high, cosmic, spiritual placement. It's pretty much the ultimate spiritual placement. Both these planets are in home signs now, exploring beliefs and spirituality, which is very powerful. Yet, they make a harsh aspect to each other. I think this means that we need to be very discerning in our spiritual quests. It's so important to not get caught up in delusions or illusions. Get in touch majorly with this spiritual energy, but make sure you are seeking the truth and not getting caught up in fantasy. Sagittarius has to do with the search for truth, yet it also can go overboard before it realizes what's happened. Stay in the truth seeking energy and don't get so optimistic and filled with faith that you don't even realize what you are getting yourself into or believing in. It's also important to not get self-righteous, which is an easy trap to get into with Sagittarius energy. Any time you start to get puffed up thinking your way is the truth and everyone else is wrong, take a step back to think before getting preachy or pushy. As for the Neptune part of this, at it's highest levels it embodies absolute spiritual truth and unity with all that is. Yet, at the lower levels it's a planet that deals with deception, illusion and fantasy. Basically whatever you are exploring spiritually this year, be discerning and seek the truth. Don't believe everything you hear and don't become self-righteous. It is a powerful time of spiritual exploration though, don't get me wrong.

~This will be an exciting year for everyone with Jupiter in Sagittarius! It's a good transit to have as long as you don't go overboard basically. This energy affects everyone's life in a new way, it's a new cycle beginning. For those with Jupiter in Sagittarius, you are having your Jupiter return however, which is exciting! You are beginning a new 12 year cycle. Also, if you have your Sun in Sagittarius this should be a good transit for you overall. ~

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn Transit

On November 6th the Nodes changed signs and went into Cancer and Capricorn. They will be there till the beginning of June 2020, about an 18 month long cycle. When the Nodes switch signs, the evolutionary karmic path as a collective shifts in a different direction. 

☊ What are the Nodes? ☋
I know many people get a bit lost when astrologers bring up the Nodes. The Nodes are not any sort of planetary body, they are mathematical points in space that have to do with the Moon's orbit. They have to do with where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic (the Sun's apparent path). There's a North Node and a South Node and in astrology they are karmic points. They ultimately represent an axis of energy that needs to be in balance. Typically the South Node has to do with the past and perhaps things we need to move away from. The North Node has to do with energies we need to step into. 

For the past 18 months we were dealing with the North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius. It was all about authenticity and stepping into the light of who you are and sharing that with the world. I talked about that energy constantly I feel. Now we're switching gears into Cancer - Capricorn energy and trust me this won't be the last time you hear me talk about this energy! 

♋ The Cancer - Capricorn axis ♑

Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs in the zodiac. Opposite signs always form an axis of energy. The Cancer - Capricorn axis has to do with security. Capricorn is an earth sign that has to do with material/physical security, while Cancer is a water sign and has to do with emotional security. When both sides are in balance we feel both physically and emotionally secure. Cancer and Capricorn both are cardinal signs. Cardinal signs have to with movement forward and ambition in a way. After having the Nodes in fixed signs, as they changed into Cancer and Capricorn you may have felt a rush of energy, especially with Uranus in Aries squaring them. All of a sudden there is a push and desire to move forward. Capricorn seeks out physical/material security and success by it's ambition and hard work. Cancer seeks out emotional security by seeking out a safe home base and family and by nurturing others. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Cancer by the Moon. These two planets are the ones that represent the mother and father respectively. Traditionally the father provided the structure and material security in a family, while the mother provided the homey feeling and emotional security. It's important at this time to look back at how these energies played out growing up. Perhaps some may have to deal with mother and father issues and whether they got both types of security or not. Saturn is patriarchal energy and the Moon is matriarchal. There's going to be a balancing of these energies. It's pretty standard that everyone knows we've been living in a patriarchal society, so this nodal transit offers a chance to balance out this energy a bit more. 

☋ South Node in Capricorn ♑

We need to balance the energy of the Nodes ultimately. Although, the South Node also represents things we should be moving away from a bit or taking the gifts from that energy and focusing on the North Node. We are shifting the focus away from the physical/material world and any excess focus on material security. Now, we do have two major transits happening in Capricorn at the same time, so there actually is still a focus there. Pluto, which will continue it's long transit through Capricorn while the South Node is there and Saturn, which will be in Capricorn for the majority of the time the South Node is there and is also just the ruling planet of Capricorn. With Pluto, the material/physical structures are undergoing transformation. Societal structures, governmental structures etc. With Saturn there, there's been a focus on being serious, practical and structured about our material/physical lives and the lives we are trying to build. So, there is still a big Capricorn focus. It will be a relief however to have some focus on Cancer energy while we are still building structures n our physical lives and transforming these things on a collective level. If you feel somewhat secure in your material/physical life and even in your body, you may be able to now focus more attention on the Cancer emotional side of things. Yet at this time, it's important to realize that material things, status, what you do etc are things that you shouldn't place an extreme amount of importance on. Not a good time to be super materialistic and be overly driven towards success. There needs to be a rebalancing with that type of energy. Realizing that security in the material world won't give you happiness or true security if you ignore your feelings and you suppress compassion. Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, rules the patriarchy, so like i've mentioned we kind of have a chance to move out of this energy a bit more. Just a wee bit of balancing that out. Just don't think thats going to drastically change during this transit. 

☊ North Node in Cancer  ♋

Ok, so Cancer energy is what we're really focusing on and moving into. We're going to be more focused on the emotional realm and figuring out what true emotional security means. It's time to get in touch with those feelings and to be more in tune with the shifting tide of your feelings. It's also time to get in touch with nurturing energy. What is your relationship to nurturing energy? Did you get proper nurturing growing up or was there a lack? What do you do with your own potential to be nurturing? Do you allow yourself to nurture others? Do you let yourself feel compassion? Most importantly, do you nurture yourself? If that nurturing energy isn't directed at your own self first and foremost, how can you nurture others? This is a time period where self care is important. Nurturing yourself and paying attention to how you feel at all times and having compassion for own self is important. We must not shove our feelings down at this time. We must flow with each fluctuation of feeling. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Moon changes signs the most frequently of the planetary bodies and leads to different 'moods'. With the North Node in Cancer, the mood shifts from moment to moment and we must flow with it and accept all the different moods and feelings. The Moon goes through different phases as well, which we must flow with. Sometimes we run with open arms towards new life, other times we release. Sometimes we're more out in the world and other times we retreat. Sometimes we plant seeds, sometimes we have to let go. We must learn to go with it and accept that each moment isn't the same as the one before. Like a fertile woman's body, from week to week we will be in a different place and stage of life's cycle and we must learn to flow with that. Things cannot always maintain a Saturnian rigidity and order as nothing is the same from moment to moment and we will now need to be more in tune to this shifting, flowing and changing type energy. Cancer also has a lot to do with home and family. We will question and find out what true family means. Creating our inner circles or 'families', which doesn't mean it has to include blood family. Also, thinking about home and having a nest and retreat from the world where you can feel secure and recharge. Cancer has to do with matriarchal energy. So hopefully we get a little bit of rebalancing of matriarchal energy in this patriarchal society as we get more in touch with feminine energy and mother energy. The structures of our society have patriarchal orgins and to balance that we need to think how the structures would be if they were more matriarchal in nature. This is not about the typical feminism we see around today or females just being able to be equal to men because these issues are still happening within the patriarchal dynamic. It's hard to tell what a society that was more matriarchal would even look like cause we haven't had it. This energy reminds me of a fabulous novel called Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman about a matriarchal society. This nodal shift really reminds me of that book and all the fascinating ideas it brings up about what a matriarchal society could potentially look like. Again, I'm afraid I don't see major change happening with this, but maybe just some shifts in the right direction that bring more balance. 

You will hear much more about this nodal energy from me as time goes on, especially when we have eclipses and will have to integrate and deal with this energy more. I just wanted to give you all an introduction and an overview of this energy and this new 18 month cycle. Basically in the words of the Dalai Lama, " The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds."

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio: Are You Ready For Big Shifts in Your Life?

Tomorrow, November 7th 2018, we have a New Moon in Scorpio! This is an exciting time full of big shifts. This doesn't just signify a new beginning of a new month, we are starting a new Jupiter year long cycle the day after and the day before we are starting a new 18 month long nodal transit. This is major shift time! 

New Moon's are a time to plant seeds and represent a time of new beginnings. This New Moon is taking place in Scorpio. Scorpio is a deep, powerful and transformational sign. This New Moon is a sign of a rebirth and a radical transformation. One of the other planetary shifts is Jupiter moving out of Scorpio. We just completed a year long deep scorpionic cycle. Also, Venus recently finished the part of it's retrograde that was in Scorpio. We have gone through a lot of scorpionic growth and learning. Gotten in touch with our deepest truths, our deep desires etc. Cleared out some of the old. Now that those cycles are over we get to rise like phoenixes and come out of our cocoons. This marks a time of rising into a new beginning, a rebirth. Very powerful! 

Besides the fact that Jupiter changes signs the day after the New Moon, we have two shifts the day before. The Nodes start a new 18 month cycle with the North Node in Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn. We are now on a new evolutionary karmic path as a collective. That's a big shift! I'll talk more about that specific Nodal shift in a different blog post. The second shift is that Uranus retrogrades back into Aries. The shift of Uranus going back into a fire sign could potentially be erratic or explosive, so watch out for some weird feeling energy on the 6th. 

Uranus will be at 29 degrees Aries and the Nodes at 29 degrees Cancer and Capricorn. This forms a t-square. They were actually already in one before they all moved as well. There are changes happening, so that we can be on the right karmic path! This 29th degree is so significant and not only is Uranus and the Nodes there, but Jupiter too! This marks a turning point! Very powerful! Venus is loosely opposite Uranus and that would create a sort of grand cardinal cross. Venus is finishing out it's retrograde in Libra at this time as well. This sort of grand fixed cross, shows a balancing out of individual needs vs harmonious relationships. The physical world vs the emotional. There are changes taking place in our individuality. We are discovering what we want in relationships and how to have harmonious ones. We are on a new evolutionary path. We are getting more in touch with our feelings, with nurturing energy, with compassion and we are going to be figuring out what true emotional security means. Besides the grand cross figuration, Jupiter is also trine the North Node at this time. All this energy is working together for these big shifts! 

There's two aspects to the New Moon that aren't quite exact, but still present. There is a trine with Neptune and a sextile with Pluto. The sextile with Pluto just adds to the transformative quality to this New Moon. Pluto is in Capricorn which is an earth sign. We are not only transforming on a soul level, but these transformations are rippling out into the structures in our outer lives. They are transforming as a result of our inner rebirth and transformation. The trine to Neptune on the other hand reminds us to connect spiritually. To know and trust that we are being divinely guided. To trust in your dreams as well. 

✨What a powerful time this is! So much shifting is happening. This is a new beginning, a rebirth, and a turning point. Embrace this next part of your journey everyone. ✨