
Monday, November 19, 2018

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius ( And a Bit in Scorpio!): What does your future look like?

On November 16th (2018) Mercury turned retrograde right after Venus turned direct. We've had pretty constant retrogrades since summer. A Mars retrograde, then a Mercury retrograde while Mars was still retrograde, and then most recently a Venus Retrograde. All the personal planets! (all the planets go retrograde, but these three affect us the most personally, so these are the ones I'm talking about). Now we are having the final retrograde of the year where we get to reflect on everything we've learned and integrate it all. 

All of these retrogrades were frustrating to some degree I know, but the universe is really trying to get us all majorly on track this year. It's like our life path is a bowling lane, and the universe put the guards up so that we can't veer off course. Ultimately these are really free will choices though, but it's more supported and better for our lives and happiness to go with the energy and do the work. 

If you got more on track during the recent retrogrades hopefully you are more aware of your authentic self, your deep desires, the right path and life that aligns with your authentic self, what you would like in romantic relationships, and hopefully you released situations that were pulling you off path. Now after all of that we are ready to move forward, but we need to use this Mercury retrograde to integrate it all and see how this all fits together. 

Mercury will mostly be retrograde in Sagittarius. Sagittarius's symbol is the archer and it is the sign that is focused on the future. Now that we have hopefully gotten more on track, we can take this time to reflect and see how everything we've learned fits into our futures. It's an important final step. This retrograde may not seem quite so withdrawn as the other ones because while Mercury appears to be moving backwards, Sagittarius is forward focused. We should remember however, that reflection and time spent taking it easy is a good idea at this time. 

Mercury will actually move back into Scorpio for a few days at the end of it's retrograde. After our days focused on the future and thinking about how it all fits together, we will have a few days to finally check in and double check that we are truly following our desires and the right path. These few days might feel more withdrawn and the reflection energy may be deeper. 

Typical Mercury Retrograde Things to Watch Out For:

-Communication difficulties/miscommunication

-Technology acting up

-Be extra cautious about travel plans

-Careful of starting new things, be cautious and discerning about them

-People from the past may crop up

-You may feel like spending more time alone (I know it's the holiday season, but you'll be better off if you make sure to sneak in some alone time too)

-It's a good time to re-do, re-think etc. 

It may seem kind of annoying that we are having another retrograde. This is like the final puzzle piece though! It's helpful and necessary. So start thinking about what you would like your future to look like. Start putting together everything you've learned about yourself. It truly is a powerful time. I know this energy can get a bit restless (especially with Jupiter in it's home sign, which is the ruler of most of Mercury retrograde). It's like we want to run towards the future with open arms, but we gotta chill for a minute and figure it all out. 

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