
Friday, September 21, 2018

Full Moon in Aries: Relationships vs. The 'Self'

Monday ( September 24th 2018), we will be having a Full Moon in Aries. This is a Full Moon that will bring up lots of issues around one-on-one relationships and our relationships to our own selves. 

The Aries Moon is what brings up issues around the 'self' and independence. The Sun in Libra brings up relationships to others. How do our relationships to ourselves fit in with relationships to others? Have you given up part of yourself? Or is this a time when a compromise needs to be reached? When I say relationships, it can be any one-on-one relationship. For lots of people romantic relationships can be a focus at this time though. Venus is in Scorpio, where it will go retrograde at the beginning of October. With this energy we are being questioned about our deep desires in romantic relationships. We will have to review lots when the retrograde happens, but at the moment we need to see what we need to release and move through. 

Chiron will be conjunct the Moon in Aries during the Full Moon. This means we may be dealing with wounds around ourselves and our identity. Whatever issues get brought up it's time to release them. Does this tie into relationships for you? Do you have wounds around your identity brought on by other people? Have you give up parts of yourself for others? You could have given parts up of yourself in very personal relationships or even more casual relationships or to fit into society. Mars in Aquarius is conjunct the South Node and is making a trine to the Sun during the Full Moon. This brings up all the energy of fitting in that we have been trying to move away from especially during this crazy summer we just had. Wounds around identity must be released now. Pleasing others on a personal or societal level at our own expense must be released. 

Mercury will be close to the Sun during the Full Moon. It's been traveling rather close to the Sun. This means perhaps there's potential to have some important conversations. Just remember that doesn't mean to come to any agreements that sacrifice yourself. If you're having conversations it should be to help assert yourself, heal issues, find compromises, or to make decisions. Do not give up yourself no matter what though. 

The biggest aspect happening with the Full Moon is an exact t-sqare with Saturn. This means it squares both the Sun and Moon. This can feel a bit depressive or restrictive. It's asking us to be serious though. To set boundaries. To do what we need to do in terms of these personal issues so that we can build the life we'd like to have. There's lots of tension between these planets, but we need to look to Saturn for solutions. That means we need to cut the crap, get serious, make decisions, take authority and be practical. Saturn is a very grounded and yet no nonsense energy. 

~Overall this is a rather heavy feeling Full Moon. It's an important turning point though for our relationships and for our own selves. It's a time to release wounds. It can be a tense time, but one that helps us do what needs to be done and get down to business. This is a good time to work through issues before Venus retrograde rolls around. Then we'll get really deep with what we want and need. ~

Saturday, September 8, 2018

New Moon in Virgo: New Beginnings in Our Physical/Material lives

On Sunday (September 9th 2018 at 11:01 AM) we're having a New Moon in Virgo! New Moon's are always exciting times where we get to plant seeds for new beginnings. We were in such retrograde filled energy throughout the summer, that's its nice that things are slowly picking up the pace. 

I've been talking about how the earth energy has been highlighted a lot lately. Our physical/material lives have been center stage. Virgo is an earth sign, so this New Moon adds to that energy. This is a great time to think of things you would like to manifest in your material/physical world. This is a great time to start new practical ventures and projects, a great time to get organized, to start a new routine or to make a greater commitment to your health. This New Moon heralds potential new things in our physical/material lives. 

Now let's talk about the aspects to the New Moon. To start off we have Neptune opposing the New Moon. This may add a bit of confusion to what we want to manifest. Perhaps we aren't quite exactly sure what we want. This opposite pull from Neptune may also make it seem best to just escape, get lost in fantasy land instead of manifesting what we'd like in this human world. The best way to balance this energy is to utilize the highest octave of Neptune, the spiritual dimension of life. Balancing your spiritual side, with your earthy human side. To bring the dreams of your spirit and manifest it into reality. To trust that the universe will bring you what you need in life. That it will set you on the right path. Time to connect to that energy. 

The New Moon is also sextile Jupiter in Scorpio and trine Pluto in Capricorn. (Jupiter and Pluto are also sextile each other) This is some great energy for growth and transformation. Jupiter in Scorpio can help us grow into a life that is aligned with our deepest desires. What do you desire? What have you been pushing down into the depths of your being that would truly satisfy you if you could have it. Desire causes us strife when we think it's something outside of us that we don't have. If we acknowledge that we have everything we desire already, if we get into that mindset, it will be easier for us to manifest those desires into our everyday lives now. The trine to Pluto shows lots of transformation in the structures of our physical lives. Changes are afoot! We have been in a holding pattern all summer. It's like we were in an airport waiting for our flight the whole time and now it's finally here! It's time for take off! 

The day of the New Moon, Venus moves into Scorpio. This is an intense placement for Scorpio. It will go retrograde in this sign in about a month, so the energy of Venus in Scorpio is one we will have for awhile. This is all about having a life and relationships that are deeply fulfilling on a soul level, filled with passion. We are awakening more and more into what we truly desire. Venus makes some tough aspects however as it moves through the beginning degrees of Scorpio.The first aspect is makes  is an inconjunct to Chiron in Aries. Chiron in Aries is retrograde helping us uncover our wounds around identity so that we can move past them. This inner drive to heal our identities is at odds with the passionate romantic Venus in Scorpio at the moment. 

~ Overall this is a wonderful time of new beginnings. Our physical/material lives are growing, expanding, transforming and falling into place. They are becoming aligned with our true desires. ~