
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Uranus in Taurus

It's finally time to talk about an event that's quite a big deal in Astrology. Uranus has entered Taurus! This happened about mid May. It will revisit Aries in November till early March 2019 then it will be in Taurus for the home stretch through July 2025! (It will revisit Taurus in a retrograde after that as well). Basically, Uranus will spend a little over seven years in Taurus! Uranus takes 84 years to make it's way around the zodiac. This means lots of people have never seen this energy and the ones who have were mostly pretty young. Also, a new generation of kids is now being born!  While this energy will be around for awhile, the time period that Uranus changes signs is significant. You may experience some change, particularly unexpected change in your life around this time. 

The Energy of Uranus
Uranus is the great awakener! It brings change (usually unexpected) and freedom. It helps us live outside the box. It has electrical energy and is associated with our nervous systems. It can bring genius and creative ideas. It is the first of the outer planets and therefore is the first planet that begins to bring higher consciousness to people. While it of course affects people personally, it is a planet that affects the collective. Uranus changing signs can bring personal changes, but what we can definitely look out for are societal shifts. 

Uranus in Taurus
Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac. It is a fixed earth sign. The energy of Taurus can be a bit stubborn about change because it is focused on having stability. The fact that it is an earth sign means it very much has to do with the material plane. 

Uranus has a bit of trouble in Taurus because of the fixed quality. Change will inevitably happen, but we may be more hesitant to it in Taurus. It's either gonna take a little more time for change to happen while Uranus is in Taurus, or it will be more difficult to accept change. Holding on to any outdated structures will only create disruption though. 

Areas of Life Where We Can Expect Societal Change
An area of the physical plane that Taurus is concerned with is that of money and finances. We could definitely see some changes in monetary systems as a collective. 

Taurus has to do with what we 'own'. Our view of ownership and what is important for us to 'have' could undergo some changes. This energy could really take many different forms. On a more mundane level ownership of certain companies could change etc. 

Taurus is an earth sign and has to do with the earth itself. Earth day even falls when the Sun is in Taurus. We will most likely see changes with the earth. This energy could be used positively with people getting more into environmentalism. There could be greater passion for taking care of the earth and her creatures. However, if positive action towards the earth doesn't happen there could be some natural earth changes, natural disasters, or just about anything to bring our attention to the fact that we cannot live without being in harmony with the earth. It is our home first and foremost. 

Food and agriculture are things that Taurus rules. We could see changes in the food industry and agricultural industry. 

Taurus rules what we own, but not always in a material way. It has to do with the values we have and our self worth.There could be changes in what people value. Also, changes in self-worth. Hopefully some positive self-worth movements will continue to grow. This could be something that not only affects the collective, but could really have some quite personal affects. 

Growing on the self-worth theme, Taurus as a physical sign has to do with our bodies and because it is ruled by Venus has to do with beauty. I think there's great possibility that body positivity will continue to grow and beauty norms will change. This could help people have better self-worth. I feel this is so important in today's culture what with the photoshopped glam we see on tv and in magazines all the time. People are insecure about perfection it's not possible to have. Time to celebrate natural beauty and how unique we all are physically. Trends to help us better take care of our bodies naturally could become bigger as well. 

Uranus has to do with technology. So there could be any new technology that is related to any themes discussed here! 

Venus is the planet that rules Taurus and has to do with beauty and the arts. There could be changes in the arts. Perhaps a greater appreciation of them. There could also be greater appreciation for natural beauty that could help us preserve these beautiful places of nature, which is important at this time. 

Venus also rules love and the Taurus energy has to do with sensuality. There could be changes in how we perceive and pursue romance and maybe even sexuality. Romance seems to be getting a little lost these days what with hookup culture and some dating apps. It'd be nice to get a real sense of romance back. Also, to have the potential to get a more respected healthy sexuality back. Honoring what it really means to connect with another. We went from repressed sexuality to distorted sexuality in modern culture. Boy oh boy would it be great for us to find a good balance finally! After all, sex is what creates life. When sexuality is out of balance, our relationship to life itself is dysfunctional.

Venus also is the divine feminine energy. This means we could see changes around the feminine energy. This is also such a big issue at this time! It would be so great to heal the feminine energy and embrace more female energy on this planet. Chiron will be in Aries just around the same amount of time as Uranus is in Taurus. Chiron in Aries can help us heal wounds around out of whack masculine energy. Both of these planetary bodies can really help us get back into balance in terms of yin/yang balance. ( It's important to note that I'm talking about energy, not necessarily genders) 

The Other Outer Planets Positions While Uranus is in Taurus
Besides Chiron, It's interesting to note the placement of Pluto and Neptune while Uranus is in Taurus.  Pluto will mostly be in Capricorn during the time Uranus spends in Taurus. Pluto is the last outer planet to move through Capricorn and is helping us to transform structures of society that aren't working anymore. This works wonderfully with Uranus in Taurus because they are both earth signs. Neptune will mostly be in Pisces while Uranus is in Taurus. Neptune in Pisces really helps us to connect to our spirituality and to remember that there is more to life than this physical plane. This energy works beautifully with Uranus in Taurus!!! We get reminded to connect to our spirit and the beauty of that which can not be seen and yet we also are reminded of the beauty on this planet, that is our home. The earth is our home and the earth's home is the universe. We are being reminded to appreciate both the earth and the vast universe. Pluto and Neptune will change signs the last year Uranus is in Taurus. That's a topic for a later date though. I just wanted to mention the energy for the majority of the time at the moment. 

The Last Time That Uranus Was in Taurus
The last time Uranus was in Taurus was from 1935-1942. I thought it would be interesting to mention some events during that time period in which I can see a link to Uranus in Taurus. Obviously the energy of that period was made up of all the planets not just Uranus, so don't think that history will exactly repeat itself. 

The first thing that was going on during that time period that seems linked to Uranus in Taurus was the Great Depression. This comes from Taurus ruling money and financial systems. Hopefully financial changes this time around won't be so difficult!

World War II was happening during this period and some of the affects of that seem related to Uranus in Taurus. Food wise there was rationing. For females, traditional roles were changing. In general,  I would imagine that war changed people's values etc.

The Dust Bowl is an event that falls into three Uranus Taurus categories: financial, food/crops, and the environment/earth. 

On a more fun note, Color in film began! This is related to Uranus in Taurus bringing changes to art. This was a big period of time for film. It was the golden age of Hollywood. Also, the first Disney movie was made, which changed animation forever. The golden age of Hollywood also brought some new beauty norms and glam to the forefront, which I still think we are dealing with and it's time for that to change again. 

I'm just touching the tip of the iceberg in terms of events that Uranus in Taurus influenced and that could be something I touch on again at a later date. 

~ What a big change is upon us as Uranus changes signs! How exciting though. We are entering into a new era. Let's hope we see some really positive changes. ~ 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Where's Your Head At?

On Tuesday May 29th 2018 we are having a Full Moon in Sagittarius! This is a Full Moon that is dealing with the axis of the mind. 

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is made up of the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. With both these signs highlighted it's really important that we release any thought patterns that aren't serving us anymore. Beliefs that we have that aren't serving us as well. This past week we had a trine between Mercury and Pluto urging us to transform our thought processes. This Full Moon has a bit of a similar purpose. Mercury is the planet that rules Gemini and the mind. At the time of the Full Moon it will be at the last degree of Taurus. This means it's time to let go of any stubborn thinking you're hanging on to! Gemini and Mercury also have to do with communication, so this is a good time to release any communication blockages. 

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and has to do with expansion. Is anything in the way of you expanding and growing? Particularly on an inner level as Jupiter is retrograde in Scorpio currently. It's important that we all continually evolve and transform. Now is a time to question whether you feel like you're doing that. Sagittarius's symbol is that of an archer pointing an arrow towards a future target. What do you want in you future? What do you need to release in order to have that future? Are any thought patterns in particular preventing you from having the future you desire? 

Gemini and Sagittarius represent the axis of the mind. Gemini represents the 'lower mind' and Sagittarius represents the 'higher mind'. It's important to find balance between these two mental spheres. Let yourself see the bigger picture with the Sagittarius energy. Let yourself find meaning in it all, instead of getting too caught up in little facts and what not. 

The only aspects that the Full Moon makes this month are flowing aspects to the Nodes. With the South Node in Aquarius we are asked whether we are sharing our minds and our magnificent ideas with others. It's important to do so! Don't keep them to yourself. With the North Node in Leo we are asked to be more authentic! Communicate authentically and move towards a future that lines up with your authentic self. Sagittarius has to do with the truth as well, which flows nicely together with the idea of being more authentic. Release anything that doesn't align with your inner truth. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

New Moon in Taurus the Same Day Uranus Moves into Taurus!!!

Tomorrow (May 15th 2018 ) we have a New Moon in Taurus! New Moons are the time of fresh starts every month. This one is particularly significant though because it's happening the same day Uranus is changing signs. Uranus was in Aries since 2010 and now it's moving into Taurus till 2026. We're wrapping up a big cycle and with the New Moon we are starting a new one! Change is in the air! It could be unexpected as well. 

✨We have a New Moon in Taurus every year, although the circumstances around it are always different. This year is very intense! Let's talk about the Taurus energy in general though.✨

 Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac. With this New Moon we are taking a look at our material/physical worlds. What would you like to manifest in your world? Aries says 'I am' while Taurus says 'I want' and 'I have". Well what do you want?/ What do you want to have? What do you want to do with the stuff, situations, relationships, jobs, talents etc. that you already have in your life?
Taurus represents what you own. It's like opening up your closet and looking at what you have in there. What can you do with the things you already have? What things would you like to see added in there? What things perhaps need to change and just don't fit you anymore? 

Taurus is the sign that represents finances. Your finances could be an area of focus at this time. How would you like your financial situation to look? What would you like to manifest in that area? How can you live a more abundant lifestyle? 

Taurus is your body as well. Perhaps you would like to start something new that would be better for your body. Taurus is ruled by Venus. There's a focus on beauty and pleasure. Perhaps you change something up that makes you feel more beautiful. Perhaps it's just changing your mind set to think of yourself as beautiful. Our self worth is something we own too. Do you have good self worth? Or is it something you need to work on at this time? Pleasure wise it could be time to start something new too. Good time to make it a point to pamper your body more. To feed it healthy delicious foods. To perhaps change something up sexually. 

Taurus is also about what you value. Perhaps your values are changing. You should decide at this time what it is you value and therefore what you want in your earthly existence. Decide what kind of life would be in alignment with your values, that would make you feel stable, yet give you pleasure as well. 

Uranus Going Into Taurus The Same Day!
It's quite a big deal that Uranus changes signs the same day as the New Moon. This New Moon isn't just setting a tone for the next month, it's starting to set a tone for a cycle lasting until 2026. All the Taurus things talked about already you shouldn't just question for the short term, but for the long term. I want to talk about the specifics of Uranus in Taurus in a separate blog post seeing as how it's a big deal, so look out for that! What you need to know at this time is that change is here. Unexpected things could happen around this New Moon. Taurus is a stable sign that does not like change! You could use Taurus's stability to help you out at this time of change with finding inner stability. Although many may be digging in and hanging on for their lives. Of course it would be easier to just go with this electrical new Uranian energy. We are all human though. It's tough to let go of things. Just know that your world may be rocked a bit.