
Monday, April 24, 2017

New Moon in Taurus: Time to Lay a Foundation

On April 26th 2017 (5:16 AM PST) there will be a New Moon in Taurus. Slow and steady will be the theme with this one as Mercury is still retrograde. 

As the Moon wanes we might be more contemplative and reclusive than usual. Then once the Moon hits that dark New Moon point it's time to plant your seeds and watch the new beginnings bloom in your life. Of course this New Moon we have to take it slow because Mercury is still retrograde. We can still get the ball rolling however for when it does go direct. 

With the New Moon in Taurus it's a great time to really build some foundations in your life and to plan for the things you would like to create. Taurus is very grounded in the material plane as a fixed earth sign, so perhaps there may be some new beginnings coming to fruition for some people in the material plane. Venus rules Taurus, so now that Venus is direct there could be some new beginnings in the relationship stories that have been unfolding and affecting everyone differently. 

Around the New Moon there are a couple aspects to note. One is that Mercury is about to conjunct Uranus. This may bring some unexpected things to the table as you are trying to build new things into your life. Unexpected bits of information could surface that could change the direction you go in. This could have to do with something from the past since Mercury is in retrograde. 

The second aspect is a square between Chiron and Saturn. This may bring with it some vulnerability and sensitivity. Some people may be feeling hurt as some wounds resurface. This could also make some people feel lonely or isolated. Saturn keeps squaring planets lately and bringing up that kind of feeling. So there is just a need to acknowledge that and work through it and try to deal with our wounds as they come up. Healing our wounds is an important part of building a foundation for wonderful things in our life during this New Moon phase.

~New beginnings are right around the corner in our lives. We've been dealing with some intense retrograde energy since March and once May hits we will finally be able to move forward. This New Moon is what gets the ball rolling. It's time to lay the foundations for what we would like to see in our lives. ~

Monday, April 10, 2017

Full Moon in Libra: Relationships With a Twist of the Unexpected

Right now ( April 10th 2017 11:08 PM PST) as I am writing this there is a Full Moon happening in Libra. It's been interesting in the cosmos lately and this Full Moon is just one more piece of the puzzle. There has been an emphasis on relationships lately and this Full Moon is no different. 

Full Moons are a time of harvest so expect certain things to come to fruition. It's a time to let go though as the Moon begins to wane. The Full Moon is also overrun with Cardinal energy, which is all about starting new things. The Sun in Aries just amplifies this, since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the sign of new beginnings. It's an interesting time because it's time to let go of some things and yet it's time to start fresh at the same time. It's important to remember as well that we may not be aware of the full picture yet as Venus and Mercury are still retrograde. We are all still reflecting and figuring it out. 

Themes surrounding this Full Moon are: relationships, compromise, love, individuality, transforming  structures in our lives and commitment. 

The Moon in Libra along with it's conjunction to Jupiter is the part of the puzzle that is really highlighting relationships, harmony within them and love. Emotionally there is a focus on relationships and maybe a need for them. The Moon is always 'hungry' and so with the Moon in Libra it is hungry for harmonious relationships. Jupiter is helping out the Moon nicely and is pushing us to grow and expand the way we relate in partnerships. Jupiter is in a retrograde however and Venus who rules Libra is retrograde as well, so there's still internal work to be done in the relationship arena.

The Sun in Aries along with it's conjunction to Uranus is highlighting our individuality. This energy is very focused on the 'self'. Of course we have to balance the 'me' with the 'we' which has been a ongoing theme for months now. With the Sun in Aries we want to shine in our individuality and to impulsively go after what we want. With the Uranus influence there may be a desire for some freedom and liberation as well. This is a combination of planets that craves the new and may bring in the unexpected. We may all be in for an element of surprise. 

Pluto in Capricorn is squaring the Sun and Moon (forming a T-square) and has an authoritarian type energy reminding us "what we need to be doing." It's pushing us to transform the structures in our lives though. This may create tension, but the kind of tension that helps us make changes. It's also interesting to note that the asteroid Juno will be close to Pluto and also loosely squaring the Sun and Moon. Juno is the asteroid concerned with committed relationships. We are being pushed to transform our committed relationships. There could be a shakeup within a commitment. This asteroid of commitment is adding to the relationship story in some way that's for sure. 

~Overall this is an action packed Full Moon. It's happening at such an interesting time too, with Venus in her last stretch of retrograde and Mercury just starting a retrograde. Our lives are being shaken up that's for sure! Always for the better though. There is a beautiful story and evolvement happening particularly within relationships. ~

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mercury Retrograde: Time for Profound Reflection

Well it's happening again. Another planet is going retrograde. This time it's Mercury, which will start it's retrograde in Taurus on the 21st (2017) then it will go backwards through Aries and end on May 3rd. We have been in the midst of a lot of retrograde energy with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all retrograde. Now Mercury is joining the mix and Pluto will be retrograde soon as well. Basically it's been a time with a huge emphasis on reflecting, reviewing, redoing etc. 

It's time to look inwards. Time to sift through our thoughts and feelings to review the past and to see where we want to be going. There's no denying it though, this isn't your typical retrograde period. We are in the midst of some crazy astrological energy. Change is in the air. At the moment it's more like a start and stop motion with all the retrograde energy, but there is still so much that is shifting beneath the surface. 

Of course with Mercury Retrograde there are all the typical things to remember. Communication may be rougher. Miscommunication is more bound to happen. It's important to be proactive and diligent about travel plans. Technology could go on the fritz. Remember that patience is truly a virtue.  Our thoughts are turned inwards, so let that happen and get what you can out of the reflection. Give yourself the time for it. Slow down. Connect with your innermost thoughts. 

The past is always connected to retrogrades, so the past may come up and people from the past may reappear. In some cases it could be pure nostalgia. In other cases it could be more important or your karma may not be done with each other. In some ways this is a theme carried over from Venus Retrograde. 

The Retrograde is starting out in Taurus. Mercury in Taurus is a slower mental energy. So take your time choosing the right words to say. This is the time to let your mind slow down; mull things over. Taurus is a practical earth sign, so get practical and real with yourself when you are reflecting on your life. Taurus is also concerned with what we value, so get in touch with what it is you really value. 

The second half of the retrograde Mercury will be in Aries and the vibe will change. Be more careful of miscommunications during this period because unlike the slow Taurus energy, Aries is more impulsive. Careful of saying things you don't mean or saying things that could easily be miscommunicated. Mental energy may be more focused on yourself during this period. Wonderful time for self-reflection. Near the end of April Mercury will meet up with Uranus, which will be interesting. A lot of out of the box thinking will be around for the taking. Look out for some potentially brilliant ideas. You can get in touch with what you'd like to initiate when the retrograde is over during this time. 

~Overall the energy is intense right now. Lots of change, but in a slower way at the moment. Not the best time to start new things, but such a great time for some very profound reflection and important revelations. I hope everyone makes it through the retrograde and when it's over hopefully we can implement some fantastic new changes in our lives.~