
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mercury Retrograde: Time for Profound Reflection

Well it's happening again. Another planet is going retrograde. This time it's Mercury, which will start it's retrograde in Taurus on the 21st (2017) then it will go backwards through Aries and end on May 3rd. We have been in the midst of a lot of retrograde energy with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all retrograde. Now Mercury is joining the mix and Pluto will be retrograde soon as well. Basically it's been a time with a huge emphasis on reflecting, reviewing, redoing etc. 

It's time to look inwards. Time to sift through our thoughts and feelings to review the past and to see where we want to be going. There's no denying it though, this isn't your typical retrograde period. We are in the midst of some crazy astrological energy. Change is in the air. At the moment it's more like a start and stop motion with all the retrograde energy, but there is still so much that is shifting beneath the surface. 

Of course with Mercury Retrograde there are all the typical things to remember. Communication may be rougher. Miscommunication is more bound to happen. It's important to be proactive and diligent about travel plans. Technology could go on the fritz. Remember that patience is truly a virtue.  Our thoughts are turned inwards, so let that happen and get what you can out of the reflection. Give yourself the time for it. Slow down. Connect with your innermost thoughts. 

The past is always connected to retrogrades, so the past may come up and people from the past may reappear. In some cases it could be pure nostalgia. In other cases it could be more important or your karma may not be done with each other. In some ways this is a theme carried over from Venus Retrograde. 

The Retrograde is starting out in Taurus. Mercury in Taurus is a slower mental energy. So take your time choosing the right words to say. This is the time to let your mind slow down; mull things over. Taurus is a practical earth sign, so get practical and real with yourself when you are reflecting on your life. Taurus is also concerned with what we value, so get in touch with what it is you really value. 

The second half of the retrograde Mercury will be in Aries and the vibe will change. Be more careful of miscommunications during this period because unlike the slow Taurus energy, Aries is more impulsive. Careful of saying things you don't mean or saying things that could easily be miscommunicated. Mental energy may be more focused on yourself during this period. Wonderful time for self-reflection. Near the end of April Mercury will meet up with Uranus, which will be interesting. A lot of out of the box thinking will be around for the taking. Look out for some potentially brilliant ideas. You can get in touch with what you'd like to initiate when the retrograde is over during this time. 

~Overall the energy is intense right now. Lots of change, but in a slower way at the moment. Not the best time to start new things, but such a great time for some very profound reflection and important revelations. I hope everyone makes it through the retrograde and when it's over hopefully we can implement some fantastic new changes in our lives.~ 

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