
Monday, February 18, 2019

Full Moon in Virgo

Another Moon cycle has come and gone! Tomorrow (February 19th 2019 at 7:53 am PST) we will have the Full Moon in Virgo. Like all Full Moons this is a culmination point and a time to release. This is yet another Full Moon though happening at zero degrees, marking a point of beginnings as well. 

This theme of endings and beginnings has been an ongoing one. There are things we need to release in order to step into new things. The time for the new is now, yet it's also the time to release the old. Step by step the old gets released and before you know it you'll be in totally new energy and won't know how you got there! 

Chiron just entered zero degrees of Aries the day before as well. I feel like Chiron at zero degrees ties up well with the Full Moon in Virgo because Chiron's energy goes with Virgo well. Some say they think Chiron should/could be named the ruler of Virgo. We ended a cycle of wound healing. Perhaps there's a feeling of final release of many old wounds this Full Moon. Especially around spiritual crises, feelings of victimization and most of all the feeling that we have a void within. We really need to realize at this Full Moon that we are whole and complete beings and fully release a cycle of feeling like there's a void and fully releasing all void fillers. This will help us step into the new. Now we have a new healing cycle with Chiron in Aries, we need to feel like we are complete, so that we can move on. Chiron in Aries will be about stepping into our true identity more fully and healing identity issues, which is the next healing phase. 

These Chiron themes just tie in so well with the Virgo-Pisces energy we need to release. With Virgo, we need to release perfection issues at this time. Low self-esteem issues may come up for release. A great quote that this energy brings to mind from Fernando Pessoa is "Perfection is inhuman, because humanity is imperfect." Whatever you perceive as a flaw isn't that at all. This is a time of self-acceptance and of realizing with the Pisces Sun (which creates half of the Full Moon energy) that in spiritual truth you are perfect and you are whole and complete. New beginnings will stem from this peace, self-acceptance and release of self-criticism and desire to be perfect (which is impossible). 

With the Pisces-Virgo energy, the balance of matter and spirit comes into play as well. Have you been getting so caught up in the physical world that you've lost touch with your spirit and feelings? Then it's time to remember that dimension of life. Take some quiet time to connect if you can. Meditate. Journal. Let yourself cry if you need to. Get out in nature to connect (which would be perfect Pisces-Virgo balance anyways!) On the flip side, how is your physical life? Do you need to focus on the health of your body? Do you have healthy routines? Are you organized in your day to day life and your work life? Your physical life needs just as much attention right now. It's a good time to release unhealthy physical habits and to make sure you are taking care of your physical body and life. 

An aspect that the Moon will be making during the Full Moon is a trine to Mars in Taurus. There's definitely movement forward at this time and a sense of action, but it's pretty slow moving. Know that things are moving, be willing to move forward and then be patient and grounded throughout the journey. 

During the Full Moon, Mercury in Pisces will be forming a sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. This forms the perfect balance once again of grounded, earthy practicality and the ability to tap into our intuition and feelings. To maintain perfect balance right now we really must stay grounded, yet spiritually connected. To take care of our physical life concerns with practicality, yet stay in touch with our intuition and follow our hearts and allow ourselves to feel our feelings. 

✨These are powerful times we are living in!So much is shifting and changing. Even if you can't see it too clearly yet. Be open to the new and be willing to release the old. Maintain balance because balance is key right now.✨

Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius: Are you Ready For the New?

Today ( February 4th 2019 at 1:03 PM PST) we are having a New Moon in Aquarius. The last two weeks we were in a cycle of release after the Lunar Eclipse, which was quite intense. It's been a time of tremendous change. Not even just the past two weeks, but the last month as a whole. It was Eclipse season and boy oh boy was it crazy! At the time of the Lunar Eclipse I said the energy represented both an ending and a beginning. Perhaps you've been feeling both, but the ending and releasing part has been quite strong. This New Moon marks the point where the new beginnings can really come into being. 

Hopefully you've been letting go of that which no longer serves you to make way for the new. What would you like to manifest in your life now? What seeds would you like to plant? A new chapter has now truly begun, so embrace it. This new beginning can be in any area of your life, it just depends on you personally and your chart. 

The Aquarius energy in particular is great for connecting with others. What types of new connections would you like in your life? It also is an air sign and is very communicative and mental energy. Mercury will be rather close to the Sun and Moon during the New Moon even though it's not making an exact conjunction. Still, this brings great new ideas. Things could be abuzz and there may be lots of communication coming up around this time. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so I definitely feel like there is change and a sense of freedom in the air. 

While it isn't an exact aspect, Jupiter will be loosely sextile the Sun and Moon at the time of the New Moon. There is expansion and growth. It's time to broaden your horizons and experience positive change. 

Saturn in Capricorn was sextile Neptune in Pisces recently and then they briefly moved apart, but during the New Moon they are aspecting again. They are also both exactly semi-sextile the Sun and Moon at the same time actually as well. This helps bring our dreams into reality. it gives us the right mix of practicality and spirituality. Giving us grounding, but still allowing us our dreams. 

☆Overall this New Moon has lots of positive energy surrounding it. Be open to the new. Get ready for change and expansion. The time is now! ☆