
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn: Feeling Stuck in a Rut

Today ( December 28th 2016 at 10:23 PM PST) there is a New Moon in Capricorn. Usually this would be a time of new beginnings, getting down to business and getting practical about what we'd like to manifest. This New Moon however we won't really be getting much work done because it's joining up with Mercury Retrograde. 

The New Moon is conjunct Mercury Retrograde within one degree, so the Retrograde energy is just so strong right now. It's really stopping any forward motion. We are all being forced  to retreat inwards. Capricorns and the other cardinal signs will probably find this the most frustrating, especially since cardinal energy loves to plunge ahead. People may be feeling as though they've hit a rut. Of course we can always think about what we'd like to manifest, but it isn't time to put it into motion. On January 8th Mercury goes direct and things will start to move forward, but we won't get out of the shadow of Mercury Retrograde till the end of January. It may be the beginning of a new year, but it's gonna take a month to feel like we're moving forward again. 

As far as the Moon in Capricorn goes, it's not my favorite placement. The Moon is in it's detriment in Capricorn. It's a bit of a cold placement. We're being forced to review and turn inwards right now, but the energy supporting this is emotionally cold and very practical. Those who are sensitive may find this energy unsupportive and harsh as they turn inwards. 

Another aspect made to the New Moon is an exact sextile to Mars. The appearance of Mars seems like it would infuse us with energy, but it's probably a bit more frustrating than anything else. Mars is in Pisces ( not a high energy sign) and may leave us feeling more energetically sensitive and fatigued. There may also be some fogginess since Mars is conjunct both Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. 

Stepping away from the New Moon for a second, let's talk about some of the energy that is going on around it. We have the Jupiter Uranus opposition, which is exact right now. This has been affecting us for awhile. This is urging us to find the balance between compromise in relationships and independence. Venus is also making aspects to these planets, just further emphasizing the effect on relationships. Growth and change are inevitable with these planets. It's an interesting time because Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus are all around 20 degrees right now. These outer planets are very activated at the moment. 

Let's talk about Saturn and Chiron now. They are making a bit of a harsh aspect to each other. Although, Saturn is making a nice aspect to Uranus and Jupiter, which may be a nice grounding influence. It also is just adding another area of our lives to find balance with. Uranus is bringing up the desire to focus on ourselves and our independence, Jupiter, the desire to compromise and have harmonious relationships, and Saturn is showing us our responsibilities. Saturn and Chiron however are bringing up wounds. Yikes! This is a harsh combo. There may be a crisis in belief and feeling separated from source. People may feel lonely, victimized and even a bit depressed with this energy.

So how does the Mercury Retrograde energy tie into everything going on with outer planets? Well with Mercury Retrograde we are being forced inwards and also being forced to look at our pasts. So we are reflecting on the balance of relationships, past relationship issues are coming up, and old wounds are coming up for processing. It's a bit of a hectic time. It's an interesting ride we're in for at the moment, but a ride into the depths of ourselves, which may be a bit frightening. Hopefully we come out of this energy with a lightened load though. We must process through the old energy, so in the new year we can really start fresh. By the next New Moon, we should finally be ready for some wonderful new beginnings. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Mercury Retrograde: Time for Patience and Turning Inwards

Today (December 19th 2016) Mercury has turned retrograde. It will be retrograde till January 8th mostly in the sign of Capricorn and then ending in the sign of Sagittarius. 

A retrograde = A planet's orbit slowing down and the appearance of the planet going backwards.

Basically a retrograde is a slowing down of energy and a turning inwards. During a Mercury retrograde communication can be slow and there can be communication mix ups, confusion and misinterpretation. Technology/appliances etc. can go on the fritz and travel plans can go awry. 
The key with all this is patience. Mercury retrograde affects us so much in the modern world because we have forgotten patience to an extent with all our fast paced technology. If you slow down, have patience and roll with the punches, all these things shouldn't be too frustrating. Also, remember it's not a time to start new things. If you start something new the dynamic of it could change when Mercury goes direct.

Instead of starting new things, Mercury retrograde is good for anything that starts with re. Reviewing, reevaluating, reflecting, redoing etc. are the things you want to focus on. This energy can be helpful in many circumstances. This Mercury retrograde happens to fall at the end of the year, which may be helpful because we can process everything that has happened and think about how to preceed forward when Mercury goes direct. 

Mercury turns mental energy inwards, so this can really help illuminate things hidden in the depths of our psyche. Make sure you rest and recuperate, so you have the time and space to turn your thinking inwards. This is a good time to rest and review after the last three months of crazy super moons. This is a time for self care and more alone time. 

Mercury retrograde brings up the past as well. This energy resonates with the energy of the holidays. People from your past may be showing up and you may be thinking about past memories etc. 

This Mercury retrograde mostly takes us back through the sign of Capricorn. This is a very practical sign and energy. This may help us review things in a practical manner and in a businesslike approach. This is good because perhaps the retrograde won't be as emotional as it would be otherwise. Mercury retrograde starts out conjunct Pluto. This sounds intense and power struggles may come up at first. The good news is that as the retrograde goes along, Mercury will be moving away from Pluto. So we will move away from these power struggles and come back to them when Mercury is going direct. So perhaps during our reviewing, we will become better equipped to deal with power struggles etc. 

Lastly, Mercury ends it's retrograde in Sagittarius. At the very end of the retrograde, we will have to face up to our inner truths, which may be highlighted and illuminated. We might be reminded to deal with beliefs and thinking patterns that no longer serve us, which was something brought up during the Full Moon in Gemini. 

~Yes Mercury retrograde can be frustrating. There are many positive and beneficial things brought about by Mercury retrograde though. If you have patience and really take the time to turn inwards and review, this shouldn't be too tough of a time. ~

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Full Moon in Gemini: Time to Release Old Thinking and Belief Patterns

On Tuesday ( December 13th 2016 at 4:05 PM PST) we are having a Full Moon in Gemini, which will be the last super moon in a series of 3! Since October, I'm sure a lot of you have felt the intense energy of the Full Moons and now that energy is about to hit it's last point. We've had a period of releasing right before the new year, so we can go into it ready for a fresh start. 

Mercury Retrograde is right around the corner (starting on December 19th, look out for a post about that!) so this week before the retrograde and during the retrograde, we are taking a look at the past and issues we've been carrying around, so that we can finally release them. 

With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius, the 'axis of the mind' is being highlighted. That means that the main things we have to let go of during this Full Moon are our old beliefs, thinking and thought patterns that aren't serving us anymore. No more stinkin' thinkin'!

There are a lot of aspects surrounding the Full Moon as well, which I will now discuss. 

Saturn conjunct the Sun and opposing the Moon
With the Moon across from Saturn, I would say beware of sinking into a bit of depression during this Full Moon. Saturn is working in a more beneficial way with the Sun though, so perhaps depressing feelings won't be too big of an issue. Full Moons are known to be emotional times though. With Saturn touching the Sun it should help us restructure our thoughts and beliefs and help us deal with things a bit more practically. 

Mars trine the Moon and sextile the Sun
These are nice aspects involving Mars. This brings some action oriented energy. Especially with the energy of Saturn there is an air of getting things done. This is truly the week to get things done before the holidays as Mercury retrograde starting next week could slow things down. Mars is of course influencing us to take action with releasing our worn out thought patterns as well of course. 

Uranus trine the Sun and sextile the Moon
These are some nice aspects that bring the energy of change. I'd say mostly good change though, so don't freak out. Something nice and unexpected could come out of the blue as well. Uranus being in Aries is also pushing us to release beliefs and thought patterns holding us back from being our unique, quirky and independent selves.

Jupiter trine the Moon and sextile the Sun
Yet another good aspect! Jupiter is inspiring positive growth and has been making a lot of aspects lately as well. With Jupiter's year long transit through Libra, relationships have been highlighted. This is the one aspect of the Full Moon that specifically could have to do with relationships because of this. Letting go of beliefs and thinking that no longer serve us could help us have more harmonious and compromising relationships at this time.

Chiron square the Sun and Moon
This is the hardest aspect of the Full Moon. Chiron has been coming up a lot lately, which is why I wrote a post about it recently, which you can checkout here. We are being majorly encouraged lately to let go of our wounds. Especially how they are affecting our thinking and beliefs about ourselves and life in general. With Chiron's transit in Pisces, the best way to heal any wounds would be to connect spiritually. Positive affirmations may be an extremely powerful way to change our old thought patterns as well during this time. 

~ Overall this is a powerful Full Moon! Remember to do your best to release those icky thought patterns that have been keeping you stuck. It's time to make way for more positive thinking in 2017!~

Monday, December 5, 2016

Chiron's Transit Through Pisces: You Are a Child of the Universe

As we have just emerged from a Chiron retrograde on Dec 1st (2016), I thought it was a good time to discuss Chiron's current transit through Pisces. Chiron has been transiting through Pisces since April 2010 and it will end in April 2018. 

Chiron is an asteroid that has a pretty big impact in Astrology compared to the other asteroids. Some Astrologers these days love to incorporate Chiron, where as others aren't quite as onboard with it yet. I fall into the first category and think that Chiron is a very interesting influence and that it can be beneficial to have an awareness of. Chiron is the 'wounded healer' in Astrology and signifies wounds we have and it pushes us to heal them, and once we have healed our own wounds we can then even help heal others if we so choose. 

Chiron's transits impact everybody and we've all been dealing with Chiron in Pisces in different ways. Of course during specific transits to your own natal planets you may feel more of an impact from this energy than at other times. This energy is one we've already been dealing with for a few years and we don't have too long before we complete this transit, so it's an energy we are probably quite familiar with at this point. It's also interesting to note as you keep reading about this transit, that the last time Chiron transited through Pisces was in the 1960's. 

The Wound 
Chiron in Pisces has to do with feeling disconnected from or a loss of union with the divine/source/the universe. There may be a loss of faith or trust and this is where the collective wound we are dealing with is stemming from. Besides a loss of faith or trust, some may feel a deep seated sense of loneliness and disconnection from all that is, whether they are aware of this or not is another matter.

Problems Arising From the Wound
When people are dealing with this wound and not healing it there may be a lot of escapism. Especially through substances in an effort to try to feel what they are lacking or to fill the emptiness that may be felt within.  People could shut down their connection to the divine/source/the universe or 'God'. There could be a greater rise of atheism and avoiding spiritual questions. On the flip side people could buy into deceptive religions or beliefs. There may be a lot of confusion and victim consciousness. It's interesting to note that this transit is happening at the end of The Age of Pisces. It's like we have to deal with healing all of The Age of Pisces type wounds before we are able to move on into new energies. 

The Healing
To heal this wound it's important to feel connected to the divine/source/universe. To feel connected to all that is. To feel connected to your soul. Realizing that in truth you are divine and part of all that is can be healing. Realizing that we are all part of collective energy and that there is no separation from all love and life and that we are all innately part of this grand puzzle of life can be so deeply healing. Trusting in the omnipresence of love is healing. Basically getting in touch through some sort of spirituality, meditation, or deep contemplation of life can be helpful in healing this wound. 

When You are Healed 
When this wound is healed there is an ability to have real trust and faith in the universe and all that is. An ability to see that everything is part of a divine plan of sorts. A feeling of oneness, wholeness and completeness. And best of all seeing the presence of love everywhere. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius: Set Your Sights On the Goal

On Tuesday ( November 29th 2016 at 4:18 AM PST) there will be a New Moon in Sagittarius. Finally the crazy Full Moon phase is over and we are heading into the territory of new beginnings. 

New Moons are known for being a time of manifesting what we would like into our lives and for new beginnings. This is even more profound with the fact that there is a lot of planetary activity going on around the New Moon with cardinal planets. Cardinal energy is all about starting new things, so that energy is ours for the taking at the moment. 

The New Moon is in Sagittarius, which is a sign that encourages us to be more optimistic, to believe and to see our inner truth. This could be a time where you change your beliefs, learn new things or dig deep to see what your truth is and what needs to be done in your life. Sagittarius is 'the archer' so it's a time to see the truth about what needs to be done and shoot 'your arrow' in that direction. It's time to set new goals. 

There are a lot of planetary aspects to and around the New Moon. The first aspect isn't to a planet, but to the Moon's Nodes. The New Moon is square the Nodes. This may bring some karmic issues to the forefront. It's time to deal with our issues and to make sure that we are living our life purpose. It isn't time to escape, it's time to bring your soul gifts out into the open and use them to be of service to others and live the path of your purpose. 

The second aspect is the New Moon square Neptune. This energy may also make some people want to escape, or feel tired, energetically sensitive, emotionally sensitive and maybe even a bit confused. If this is the case, some self care or retreating is alright around the actual day of the New Moon. Maybe use your retreat time to decide and meditate about the changes you would like to implement in your life and the things you want to manifest. Just don't succumb to unhealthy escapism. 

The third aspect around the New Moon is Mars trine Jupiter. Jupiter has also been squaring Pluto recently and that energy is still in effect as well. Jupiter square Pluto has been pushing for us to  succeed and Mars trine Jupiter is similar in the fact that it encourages us to go after our ambitions, to expand and grow and to live our life purpose. Mars being in Aquarius and Jupiter being in Libra are working together nicely in the realm of relationships with people as well. There is an ability to find harmony, compromise and an equality with other people. This is nice energy, which may help cool down some of the power struggles of Jupiter square Pluto that have been going on. 

Some other aspects that are happening involve Venus. Relationships have been transforming especially since the crazy Full Moon and Venus's recent conjunction to Pluto. Now Venus is square Uranus, which brings more changes afoot. Relationship dynamics are changing. Some unexpected stuff could even come up since Uranus can be a bit of a wild card. Venus will also be sextile Chiron, which means it's also a  great time to heal relationship woulds. 

Wow! What a lot of energy around this New Moon! It's a time of change and embarking on new adventures. Especially with relationships and following our life purpose. It's time to find our 'inner truth' and set our sights on where we'd like to go. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Age of Aquarius

I'm sure many of you have heard about The Age of Aquarius and I'm not talking about the song by the 5th dimension. There is a lot of buzz that's been going around in recent times as to whether or not we have entered The Age of Aquarius and all the promises that it can bring. What is The Age of Aquarius exactly? Well it's an astrological age that can be explained by something called the precession of the equinoxes. 

~Precession of the Equinoxes~
To begin with, the Sun travels around the earth once a year. On it's journey around the earth the Sun travels a path called the ecliptic and passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac. The zodiac signs are named after constellations. The beginning of the astrological year begins every year at the vernal equinox in the sign of Aries. Back in Babylonian times the vernal equinox when the Sun entered Aries, also happened to align with the constellation of Aries. This was because they were living in The Age of Aries. As time passes the vernal equinox takes place in a different constellation.  This is the precession the the equinoxes. It takes around 2,150 years or so to move through one sign. Each of these phases marks a particular historical period. For the past 2,000 years or so the world was in The Age of Pisces. Now we are either in or will be soon moving into The Age of Aquarius. There is a lot of debate about it's exact beginning, but the general consensus is that it happened around the year 2000. We are most likely living in a blending of the two ages at the moment as we are at the end of one age and on the brink of a new, so there may be a transition phase. This transition phase may be chaotic as we are conflicted between the old and the new energies. 

~The Age of Pisces~
The Age of Pisces was an age in which religion was paramount. Societies were established around shared belief systems. It was an age filled with blind faith and an over developed belief in the afterlife. The religious virtues of being pious, kind and charitable were strongly revered. It was an age filled with sacrifice, struggle and victim consciousness. At it's worst it was an age of deception, illusion, confusion and governments and religions misleading us. The better part of The Age of Pisces was  a genuine desire perhaps to connect with a greater power, but in many instances people were mislead through some illusions of religion or they instead numbed this desire with drug and alcohol abuse. The wide use of substances is in fact probably a result of The Age of Pisces. A good part of The Age of Pisces was the importance of compassion and being 'heart centered' and a focus on emotions. These are things that sadly did not completely penetrate The Age of Pisces, but if you look closely you will still see glimpses of it throughout that time's history and they are virtues we should not forget as we enter into The Age of Aquarius. 

~The Age of Aquarius~ 
The Age of Aquarius is a very exciting age because Aquarius is a very humanitarian sign. Achieving a greater state of world peace may be more desirable now and perhaps even ultimately more possible as this age progresses. Aquarius is the sign concerned with hopes and dreams, so at least we all might be hoping and dreaming for a better world. Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood/sisterhood  and everyone might be concerned with unity. Everyone should hopefully be more accepting of everyone no matter what their race, gender, sexual preference, or class is etc. The class system and even the separation of countries could become a thing of the past eventually as Aquarius desires unity and may encourage us to become 'citizens of the world'. Aquarius also is a sign that is concerned with freedom, so some structures in our society may seem too controlling during this age. Aquarius is also the sign related to environmentalism so during this age there should be a greater desire to care for our planet. This Aquarian Age is occurring at a critical time for our planet that's for sure and may be just the kind of energy we need if we want to take care of mother earth.  Aquarius is a sign concerned with scientific knowledge and invention. We are already living in the computer age and seeing vast technological advances, so these will continue to grow at an astounding rate. Space travel may even be able to reach unheard of new advances. Astrologers are happy because Aquarius is strongly concerned with Astrology, so there is hope that Astrology will become more widely accepted and used, especially after a tumultuous period of being thought of as superstitious or 'bad' in the highly religious Age of Pisces. During The Age of Aquarius knowledge and the intellect may be highly valued . A concern about this age, is that there will be more of an emphasis on being cold and detached, so hopefully we don't become disconnected from the heart. As a way to merge some important lessons from The Age of Pisces and The Age of Aquarius, it's important to keep a balance between the head and the heart and to see the value of both. It'll be interesting what this detached freedom loving energy of Aquarius will do to one on one relationships as well. 

This is a very interesting time we are living in. I'm sure many of you can see the merging of these two ages that is going on at the moment and some of the tumultuous energy it has brought. There is hope though for a better future. Let's just all remember the positive qualities of Aquarius and try to build a better world based on those principles. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Closest Super Moon in 68 Years: November 14th Full Moon in Taurus

On November 14th 2016 we are having a Full Moon in Taurus. Not only will this Full Moon be one of a series of three Super Moons, it will be the closest Super Moon since 1948

A Super Moon happens when the Moon is closer to the earth than normal. This means that this Full Moon will be the closest it has been to the earth in 68 years. We're going through a period of Super Moons that will last through December. We had one last month, which was pretty intense if I may say so myself. Now we are having the closest one of all. This means that the energy of the Full Moon is very, very magnified. 

Full Moons are all about releasing and letting go of things that no longer serve us. Since this Full Moon is so close, this is a huge time for release. Whether it's letting go of old beliefs, behavior patterns, or getting rid of a particular situation in your life, it is certainly time to let go. On a side note  Full Moons are a great time to clear the energy since it is a time of release. You can do this using whatever method you prefer to use. 

The Full Moon is occurring with the Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Scorpio, so the energy is all about themes of the Taurus and Scorpio axis. On one hand the energy is about stability vs transformation. What part of you wants to keep part of your life stable and secure? What part of you desires something else, desires to transform yourself and your life for the better? We shall have to find a middle ground between the two, but I will tell you the Moon is urging us to not  stay stuck in the way things are and the Sun is urging us to transform and change for the better. This Full Moon could be hugely transformational if we tap into it's powerful and positive energy. 

A particular energy that could manifest during this Full Moon is the energy of possessiveness or jealousy. Possessiveness is a trait of Taurus and jealousy is a Scorpio trait. Of course the point of Full Moons is to let go though, so it's important to let possessiveness and jealousy go. Remember that you don't own anybody, the only person you have any control over is yourself. Also remember to not focus on what you lack and what other people have. Focus on what you do have, not what you lack and not what you fear. It's time to transmute these energies. 

Money is a small issue that could be brought up for some people since Taurus energy rules your personal finances and Scorpio rules other people's money. Perhaps some people need to find some sort of balance between the two or may be dealing with some issues regarding this area. 

Taurus is a nice placement at least for the Moon to be in because the Moon is exalted in Taurus. No matter what issues come up we should be able to at least find some sort of grounding if we choose and to deal with things in a practical manner. It's a good time to find practical solutions and to take practical action. 

The one aspect the Full Moon will be making will be to Chiron. The Moon will be sextile Chiron and the Sun will be trine Chiron.  This aspect is bringing the need to heal to the forefront. Chiron is making positive aspects at least, so this is definitely a healing influence. We have an opportunity with this Full Moon to heal some of our wounds and issues. Chiron has been in Pisces for quite a while now and with Chiron's placement there a great way to heal anything during this Full Moon would be to connect spiritually. The Scorpio Sun energy is supportive of this as well. 

~This is quite the Full Moon we have on our hands! The energy of this may have been felt a week or so prior and will probably be felt a week or so after as well. So be aware of that. Overall I'd say don't forget the beautiful power of letting go and the magic of transformation. I wish you all the best in getting through this intense planetary time. ~

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