
Monday, December 5, 2016

Chiron's Transit Through Pisces: You Are a Child of the Universe

As we have just emerged from a Chiron retrograde on Dec 1st (2016), I thought it was a good time to discuss Chiron's current transit through Pisces. Chiron has been transiting through Pisces since April 2010 and it will end in April 2018. 

Chiron is an asteroid that has a pretty big impact in Astrology compared to the other asteroids. Some Astrologers these days love to incorporate Chiron, where as others aren't quite as onboard with it yet. I fall into the first category and think that Chiron is a very interesting influence and that it can be beneficial to have an awareness of. Chiron is the 'wounded healer' in Astrology and signifies wounds we have and it pushes us to heal them, and once we have healed our own wounds we can then even help heal others if we so choose. 

Chiron's transits impact everybody and we've all been dealing with Chiron in Pisces in different ways. Of course during specific transits to your own natal planets you may feel more of an impact from this energy than at other times. This energy is one we've already been dealing with for a few years and we don't have too long before we complete this transit, so it's an energy we are probably quite familiar with at this point. It's also interesting to note as you keep reading about this transit, that the last time Chiron transited through Pisces was in the 1960's. 

The Wound 
Chiron in Pisces has to do with feeling disconnected from or a loss of union with the divine/source/the universe. There may be a loss of faith or trust and this is where the collective wound we are dealing with is stemming from. Besides a loss of faith or trust, some may feel a deep seated sense of loneliness and disconnection from all that is, whether they are aware of this or not is another matter.

Problems Arising From the Wound
When people are dealing with this wound and not healing it there may be a lot of escapism. Especially through substances in an effort to try to feel what they are lacking or to fill the emptiness that may be felt within.  People could shut down their connection to the divine/source/the universe or 'God'. There could be a greater rise of atheism and avoiding spiritual questions. On the flip side people could buy into deceptive religions or beliefs. There may be a lot of confusion and victim consciousness. It's interesting to note that this transit is happening at the end of The Age of Pisces. It's like we have to deal with healing all of The Age of Pisces type wounds before we are able to move on into new energies. 

The Healing
To heal this wound it's important to feel connected to the divine/source/universe. To feel connected to all that is. To feel connected to your soul. Realizing that in truth you are divine and part of all that is can be healing. Realizing that we are all part of collective energy and that there is no separation from all love and life and that we are all innately part of this grand puzzle of life can be so deeply healing. Trusting in the omnipresence of love is healing. Basically getting in touch through some sort of spirituality, meditation, or deep contemplation of life can be helpful in healing this wound. 

When You are Healed 
When this wound is healed there is an ability to have real trust and faith in the universe and all that is. An ability to see that everything is part of a divine plan of sorts. A feeling of oneness, wholeness and completeness. And best of all seeing the presence of love everywhere. 

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