
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn: Feeling Stuck in a Rut

Today ( December 28th 2016 at 10:23 PM PST) there is a New Moon in Capricorn. Usually this would be a time of new beginnings, getting down to business and getting practical about what we'd like to manifest. This New Moon however we won't really be getting much work done because it's joining up with Mercury Retrograde. 

The New Moon is conjunct Mercury Retrograde within one degree, so the Retrograde energy is just so strong right now. It's really stopping any forward motion. We are all being forced  to retreat inwards. Capricorns and the other cardinal signs will probably find this the most frustrating, especially since cardinal energy loves to plunge ahead. People may be feeling as though they've hit a rut. Of course we can always think about what we'd like to manifest, but it isn't time to put it into motion. On January 8th Mercury goes direct and things will start to move forward, but we won't get out of the shadow of Mercury Retrograde till the end of January. It may be the beginning of a new year, but it's gonna take a month to feel like we're moving forward again. 

As far as the Moon in Capricorn goes, it's not my favorite placement. The Moon is in it's detriment in Capricorn. It's a bit of a cold placement. We're being forced to review and turn inwards right now, but the energy supporting this is emotionally cold and very practical. Those who are sensitive may find this energy unsupportive and harsh as they turn inwards. 

Another aspect made to the New Moon is an exact sextile to Mars. The appearance of Mars seems like it would infuse us with energy, but it's probably a bit more frustrating than anything else. Mars is in Pisces ( not a high energy sign) and may leave us feeling more energetically sensitive and fatigued. There may also be some fogginess since Mars is conjunct both Neptune and the South Node in Pisces. 

Stepping away from the New Moon for a second, let's talk about some of the energy that is going on around it. We have the Jupiter Uranus opposition, which is exact right now. This has been affecting us for awhile. This is urging us to find the balance between compromise in relationships and independence. Venus is also making aspects to these planets, just further emphasizing the effect on relationships. Growth and change are inevitable with these planets. It's an interesting time because Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Uranus are all around 20 degrees right now. These outer planets are very activated at the moment. 

Let's talk about Saturn and Chiron now. They are making a bit of a harsh aspect to each other. Although, Saturn is making a nice aspect to Uranus and Jupiter, which may be a nice grounding influence. It also is just adding another area of our lives to find balance with. Uranus is bringing up the desire to focus on ourselves and our independence, Jupiter, the desire to compromise and have harmonious relationships, and Saturn is showing us our responsibilities. Saturn and Chiron however are bringing up wounds. Yikes! This is a harsh combo. There may be a crisis in belief and feeling separated from source. People may feel lonely, victimized and even a bit depressed with this energy.

So how does the Mercury Retrograde energy tie into everything going on with outer planets? Well with Mercury Retrograde we are being forced inwards and also being forced to look at our pasts. So we are reflecting on the balance of relationships, past relationship issues are coming up, and old wounds are coming up for processing. It's a bit of a hectic time. It's an interesting ride we're in for at the moment, but a ride into the depths of ourselves, which may be a bit frightening. Hopefully we come out of this energy with a lightened load though. We must process through the old energy, so in the new year we can really start fresh. By the next New Moon, we should finally be ready for some wonderful new beginnings. 

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