
Friday, July 19, 2019

A Word on Astrology

Hi everyone! I felt inspired today for all of you who have been reading my posts and who have worked with me to delve a little deeper into what astrology is and what I'm posting. 

Astrology is the study of how the planets affect humans and human behavior. Basically how the planets affect the energy you could say. We all live within this universe and it makes sense to me that we are influenced by it's movements as everything is connected. When I work with people everything is based around their birth chart, which is a chart drawn up for the moment and place they were born. I like to see it that you are a piece of the universe and so that particular energy that was in play the minute you came into being becomes like a personal energy blueprint. Birth charts are only repeated every 25,000 years. After you take your first breath though, the planets keep moving and they have everyday since. They keep moving and affecting your birth chart showing constant evolution and change. You are not just part of this living fabric of the universe, but you are living in it and it is forever moving. The transits are what I talk about in these posts. Current planetary placements. They do affect everyone in a way because we all live on this planet, yet they affect everyone individually as well in completely different ways which I also look at when I work with people one on one. 

The earliest birth chart found dates from 410 B.C., although acknowledgement that planets affect humans goes back even further. Rulers from Rome, monarchs from England's past and even presidents have been reliant on astrologers. Sadly though, at one point in time it faded into the background. As science gained strength people didn't want to believe what they couldn't prove, which is limiting to me. (Also, the reason they say it doesn't work is because they think the zodiac signs talked about are based on the constellations, but the zodiac signs come from the zodiac belt and don't have anything to do with the constellations in western astrology). Religion when it had gained strength condemned it as well as all sorts of other things. Again, limiting. Well more controlling I should say. It seems that ways of thinking such as astrology that are so in tune with the natural flow of life threatened the sense of control they wanted to exert. People have seemed out of touch with not only the universe's movements, but with the earth, the naturalness of their bodies etc. ever since. Eventually astrology made a come back in the 20th century with horoscopes and sun signs. Which is a shame because horoscopes are frivolous and basically don't tell you anything. Sun signs are very real, but when seen without the context of the rest of astrology they seem to show that astrology says you fit in one of twelve boxes. Back to the fact that birth charts are only repeated every 25,000 years, astrology actually shows everyone to be unique. Sun signs are just a part of that. These days 'true' astrology is alive and thriving, just it's not usually what people think about when they think about astrology. 

There is a measure of belief that comes with being into astrology since we cannot prove that the movements of the planetary bodies affects us as humans. Yet it is most definitely not a belief system. It is a tool. Astrologers have always studied the planetary movements and they saw patterns emerge and studied how different placements affected people. This has been passed down and improved upon throughout the ages. To me it makes perfect sense. The more I got into it, it couldn't help but become a huge part of my life because it simply completely makes sense. There is just that gap in scientifically proving it. To me it is actually quite practical in a way. I don't need to know why it works, but it very much seems to.I  love being in the flow of life and the universe. Honestly, it's been a better way to live. Just because it jives so much with me doesn't mean it has to jive with all of you out there. I believe in keeping an open mind and questioning everything. I do like to say that personally for the most part I believe in nothing, yet I believe in infinite possibility. 

What astrologers have discovered through their studies of astrology is the different energies of the different planets and their alignments. It's all just energy. We can't tell the future or predict anything. I certainly can't claim to know that. Just to understand the astrological symbols and what kind of energy they hold and what that could imply for our human lives. I try to put it in helpful human terms. There is still a mystery to all of it though and I believe it's what you choose to do with certain energies that can help determine how your future goes. That's why astrology is a helpful tool. 

Whether astrology resonates and makes sense to you or not, I hope this post was helpful in getting to understand it a bit more. If you would like to join me in being in the cosmic flow you could say I will always be keeping everyone up to date on current energies. If you would like to delve deeper into your personal birth chart and how energies are affecting you personally if you message me I am always available to work with you. ✨

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: Facing Your Own Emotional Underworld

On Tuesday we are having our second Eclipse of the season with a Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. We've been planting seeds for some major new beginnings since the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 2nd and we're a week into a three week Mercury Retrograde of reflection. Now it's time for some major release. 

For this Eclipse we will have the Sun in Cancer near the North Node and the Moon in Capricorn near the South Node. The Nodes are basically the true Eclipse points and how close the Sun and Moon hit these points determine the totality of an Eclipse. 

With the Sun near the North Node where the Solar Eclipse took place, we are moving towards Cancer energy. Moving towards getting more in touch with our feelings and emotions, discovering true emotional security within ourselves, nurturing ourselves, stepping into compassion and more mothering feminine energy. We're still doing that and this will majorly continue for the next six months. 

Venus in Cancer is also near the North Node during this Eclipse. Relationships that are aligned with our hearts and feelings are now very important as well. Relationships are moving in the right direction. The day after the Eclipse Venus will exactly conjunct the North Node, which is so powerful for moving forwards in the right way with relationships. Not just relationships. This can be moving in the right direction where you are more open to love of all kinds and loving yourself deeper first and foremost. Also, projects close to your heart could positively come together and start moving forward. Things are just aligning in the right way when you follow your feelings at this time. 

Mercury Retrograde is hanging out near all this energy as well. It'll still be in Leo at the time of the Eclipse. If you reflect and remember the time or times you regained your authenticity and continue on with that this will also help you move forward in the right way. Remember to speak your truth and to keep sharing who you really are with others. 

With the Moon near the South Node there are lots of feelings to be released at this time as we move into the new. As we follow our hearts more, old buried feelings may come up that need to be released. When you open up more to your emotions it's not like you just get to feel the good feelings. The difficult ones will inevitably surface too. It's important to let go of whatever is down there for any suppressed feelings could be what's blocking you from your heart's desires. 

Saturn is near the North Node during this Eclipse. We need to release outdated structures, ways of being, rigid attitudes, restrictions and on a greater scale some patriarchal attitudes. It's time to remove blocks and to break out of the box. 

Saturn will be exactly opposing Venus though at the time of the Eclipse. What blocks, restrictions and past commitments are preventing you from having what you want? Especially in regards to relationships. The good news is that the day after, Venus conjuncts the North Node, so things are moving in the right direction. There are just things to release, restrictions to deal with and maybe some reality checks as well. Perhaps there are some real/physical world responsibilities that you have to balance with pursuing relationships and projects that are close to your heart. It's all about releasing blocks that are in your way and maintaining good balance in your life. 

Last, but not least the Moon will be conjunct Pluto during the Eclipse. In degrees Pluto will be between the Moon and South Node during the Eclipse. This means Pluto is a key to moving on from the past. Pluto rules death. (Don't freak out about literal death, I don't go there with astrology) The death of the old. The death of outdated structures, rules and ways of being. Ultimately Pluto rules radical transformation. Put old feelings and situations that aren't serving you to rest at this time. Pluto also has to do with the underworld. Think about it as going down to your own underworld and facing everything that lurks there and cleaning it out. It's time to do that. You won't know what needs to be gotten rid of if you don't look at it. 

It's been a powerful month and it's certainly not over yet. We are moving into completely new waters, which is amazing. At this time though we must release a lot in order to do so. The Solar Eclipse was the total Eclipse this month. The Lunar Eclipse will only be partial. This means it's much more about the new at this time. We are human though and this means that inevitably birth and death are part of life. You can't have one without the other. Cheers to releasing the shit from the past and moving into emotionally fulfilling new beginnings. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mercury Retrograde in Leo and Cancer

July is just getting more interesting! We've had the first of the Eclipses and now we're heading into a Mercury Retrograde. It starts today, July 7th and ends July 31st. The Retrograde will start at 4 degrees Leo and end at 23 degrees Cancer. With the Retrograde happening in two signs we will be dealing with some different energies. As we're moving in major new directions in our lives with the Eclipses, there are some things we need to process and reflect on. 

To start off it's a good idea to explain what is actually happening during a Mercury Retrograde. Mercury Retrogrades have been an astrological event that has gained a lot of popular hype, yet not too many people actually know what's going on. Mercury Retrogrades happen roughly three times a year. What everyone seems to know about Mercury Retrograde is that it looks like Mercury is moving backwards. The thing is, it's really not. It's actually closer to the earth than it is the rest of the time. We lose perspective therefore and it appears to be moving backwards. Since everything we look at astrologically is from the earth's perspective, when looking at astrology charts for the period of the retrograde, Mercury moves backwards in degrees within the zodiac, since that's what it appears to be doing. I feel like it's important to know all that to understand Mercury Retrograde. 

The fact that Mercury is closer to the earth during this time is especially important to remember. It's energy is stronger during this time. Mercury rules communication and the mind. These are super heightened during a retrograde. It's so close though that sometimes we could become overloaded and also lose perspective. This is why communication can go awry and technology or appliances of any sort can crap out or go on the fritz. There is so much mental stimulation and while there may be some interesting thoughts and insights that crop up, all may not be clear till it turns direct again and we get our usual perspective back. Sometimes it's best to retreat a bit during this time. Some people may want to because the energy may be so intense that they may 'shut down' a bit. Regardless, it's a good idea to have patience at this time and to really take your time communicating. If there are miscommunications do your best to try and patch them up. It's also interesting to see what's going through your mind and what sort of insights you get. Some of these things may help you get more clear, but ultimate clarity is not something you may find at this time. Also, usually it's best for this reason to put off major decisions if you can until the retrograde is over. Some people get the idea that life just stops during Mercury Retrograde and that they can't move forward at all. This isn't true. Do what you need to do and follow what you think you should be doing, just take a lot more time with it. Really make sure you're doing the right thing. If there's something you really don't need to make a decision on this month though, perhaps wait. Decisions and things started during a Mercury Retrograde tend to end up differently than they started. 

The fact that Mercury appears to be moving backwards does affect us as well though. Mercury Retrograde is known to bring up the past. Sometimes there are things from the past we need to think about or deal with. Things we need to reflect on. Finish something perhaps. Sometimes it just gets nostalgic, especially with this one when it re-enters Cancer around the 19th till the end of the month. People from the past crop up a lot during Mercury Retrograde. Very rarely does that mean you should go 'back' into any relationship if that happens. Sometimes someone may return and you need to deal with, heal or face something. About half the time there is no good reason, people from the past just kind of crop up or may think of you no matter how random it seems. Besides all this it's good to really reflect and to really process where you're going next in your life. This is a particularly big deal right now because with these Eclipses lots is probably changing and happening in your life. That's also why it's not like things are 'stopped' right now. It's good to remember to take time to process where you've been, what you're moving away from, what has ended and where you are currently going. It's a major time and there's a lot to process. Giving yourself adequate time to retreat sometimes during this period is important and can be helpful. 

We're starting off the retrograde in the sign of Leo, where it will be till the 19th. This part of the retrograde can bring up things you learned last summer or even around the end of January. With Eclipses during those times that dealt with Leo energy. We also actually had a Mercury Retrograde during last summer in Leo as well. It's like as we're experiencing this new Eclipse season and new lessons, we're being reminded of what we've learned before, so we can integrate it all. This part of the retrograde can really help us get in touch with our authentic truth. Helping us question whether we are living a life in alignment with who we really are and our particular interests and talents. Helping us get in touch with expressing ourselves authentically as well. It's important for us all to take stock of this, so that we can live fulfilling lives and as our lives change course during this intense time that we make sure our new course is in alignment with who we really are. That wherever we are going next we show up fully and in our authenticity. Remember that you are the queen or king of your own kingdom. People may really want attention and for their truth to be heard during this time. Sometimes people could get frustrated. Any miscommunications during this time could possibly come from frustrations around feeling like you can't fully express yourself. Be patient with yourself and others. Also, honor your own truth and other's truths as well. 

From the 19th to the 31st, Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer. Just when it looks like we're done exploring feelings and getting more in touch with our emotions, Mercury brings them majorly to your attention. This period of time could get quite emotional. There may be lots of feelings to process especially from the past. There may be some feelings staring you in the face that you haven't had time to deal with yet, but you need to in order to move forward. This is the part of the retrograde where the past may come up more intensely and this is the time that could get quite nostalgic as well. Could be a time where people really want to spend time with their families as well. This could also be more of a time where the overload factor could kick in and therefore there may need to be times where you can retreat. Self-care will be important. Miscommunications at this time could be more likely to be about emotional things or because of something that is emotionally charged. Try to be clear when expressing your emotions and try to be open to listening to others. 

Lots of people find Mercury Retrograde annoying, but retrogrades serve a purpose. They just involve more patience, extra caution since everything can be so abuzz and adequate time to reflect and process. It should be helpful to have this time during Eclipse season as our lives are majorly changing course. It's different for everyone though and it's more intense for some than for others. If you're familiar with your chart, see where 23 degrees Cancer to 4 degrees of Leo falls in your chart or if you have any planets between there. I am always available for transit readings though, to see how this retrograde and these Eclipses are affecting you.