
Saturday, March 25, 2017

New Moon in Aries: Springtime is Here and With it Comes New Beginnings

Spring is finally here! This was official when the Sun entered Aries on March 20th with the Spring Equinox. Now on March 27th (2017 at 7:57 PM PST) we are having a New Moon in Aries. New beginnings abound! 

There may be a desire to withdraw a bit leading up to the New Moon as the Moon wanes, but once we hit that New Moon point it's time to manifest! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and loves new beginnings, so a lot of you may be ready to race out of the starting gates. It is a fabulous time for all this new energy, just not in the arena of love or even beauty. 

The New Moon is conjunct Venus who is in her retrograde cycle. A lot of you may be thinking about new beginnings within relationships, but wait till Venus goes direct. You may finally be coming to decisions about what you would like, but don't make any moves yet.  I recommend waiting to make relationship decisions till May 8th when we are out of both Venus and Mercury retrogrades. 

Other than relationships, any personal new beginnings you would like will be around for the taking. Aries rules the self, so get in touch with what you personally want for yourself and go ahead and manifest it! Just hold off on these relationship decisions. Also, because of Venus ruling beauty, don't alter your appearance in any way either. 

Aries is very independent, which is a fabulous energy for you personally. Don't sacrifice your relationships though for the sake of independence. Be careful! There is a danger of that with the Aries energy, but making hasty relationship decisions could go very badly. 

~Overall this is a great time to get started on your dreams. As long as you take your time with relationships and don't make impulsive decisions in that arena, you should be fine. It's spring time though and it's time to start fresh in our personal lives!~ 

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