
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

New Moon in Taurus: On the Precipice of Change

Tomorrow night we are having a New Moon in Taurus. Taurus is an earth sign, so how appropriate that it's Earth Day as well! 

We have been through so much lately, life has been weird and the astrology harsh. This New Moon offers an energy of reset. A fresh energy for the month ahead. It's time to find new stability with where you're at. To build new foundations. To plant new seeds. It's time to have a fresh start where you enjoy life and feel good about yourself. Taurus is about sensuality; the senses. Taking things a bit slowly in a way and enjoying them. It's about value and self-worth. So for this re-fresh besides finding new stability and building new foundations, find new ways to feel good. Decide to start a new cycle of greater self-worth. It could be a new cycle where your values are different and new. 

This New Moon is caught between two major aspects. The first is that it's moving away from a square with Saturn in Aquarius that the Sun had formed exact a couple days prior and moving towards a conjunction with Uranus the Sun will make in a few days. We're moving away from restriction and into change. The sense of restriction could still feel present. Reality and structures are different with Saturn in Aquarius. You may have recently felt quite constrained by them. Yet, you must find new stability, foundations, self-worth and just a sense of feeling good within these circumstances because things are about to change! Perhaps quite unexpectedly with the conjunction to Uranus approaching. Things could feel restricted or stagnant, but they most definitely are not and the winds of change shall be blowing through. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Full Moon in Libra: Time for Balance amongst Intense Change

I'm sitting here writing this right as the Moon reaches it's fullest point. It's been crazy in the cosmos lately, which is reflecting in our lives at the moment. As above, so below so they say. Reality is changing. The structures of society are changing. We're at a major moment of birthing a new way. In the midst of all this, now we have the Full Moon. It's time to release. To release some pressure and this sure does feel like a pressure cooker we're in at the moment. In particular it's a time to release so that we can find balance. 

With the Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra, this Full Moon places focus on our relationships. It's time to find some balance here. On one hand we have the Moon in Libra conjunct asteroid Juno in Libra. This is about one-on-one relationships. This could be about any relationships, but of course romantic comes about strongly as well. On one hand there's partly a desire to connect here. With the Juno aspect this can be pretty serious too. Juno is about committed relationships. Partnership. Marriage. This time could on one hand be bringing people closer together. Uniting in partnership.

The other side of this though is the Aries energy, which is all about the self and independence. There's  a balancing out of the scales happening here between self and others. I wouldn't disconnect entirely from others, but I also would make sure you're giving enough energy to yourself. This Full Moon is about having both. Releasing anything keeping this balance from happening. This makes a lot of sense if we look at the times we are living in because some people live alone and maybe need to remember connection and some live with people and maybe need to give more energy to themselves. You can have both. Really getting in tune with yourself right now, yet really growing closer in partnership with those around you. For some this could be big relationship turning points as well. 

At the time of the Full Moon we have a tense, electric aspect between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This time can bring about unexpected events or change. It also though carries so much restlessness, angst, rebelliousness and anxiety. Our nervous systems may be on overdrive. There's tension that needs an outlet. Change is here and we must accept it. There's such a drive to break free and change, but from changes that have already happened if that makes sense. Accept the change. It won't help to try to rebel from change. 

The other big aspect going on at the time of the Full Moon is Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Capricorn. Our minds can start to think more optimistically about everything that's going on perhaps. We can see the bigger picture. With Mercury in Pisces though we can't really be too practical, we must go with the flow. Tap into our intuition. Follow our feelings. Practical clear thinking has not really been present for awhile because Mercury has had such a long stay in Pisces. We gotta have some trust and faith with this aspect. Optimism. Tune into what we truly 'feel' is going on. This could also be a time of good news in some respects or important communications. 

This is a tense time, but just remember to find balance in your relationships, to unite in partnership with who you love or those you love if you're not in a romantic relationship, to make sure your needs are met and you have time for yourself as well. Remember to accept change as radical as it may seem. To see the bigger picture and remain optimistic. Wishing you all the best everyone!