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Everyone has a dominant element in their natal chart. Each planet in your chart is in a zodiac sign and every zodiac sign is ruled by a particular element. To find out your dominant element you simply must be aware of which element rules each zodiac sign and then count how many planets you have in each element. The elements and what zodiac signs they rule are as follows;
Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Now I want to talk about how the dominant element in a chart affects people's personality's. I am going to do this by talking about each element in nature because the way each element acts in nature directly corresponds with the way the element will affect someone's personality in a natal chart.
~ Fire ~
Fire is created by being kindled. It starts out as just a spark and then bursts into flame. Just like actual fire, passion becomes kindled in a fire person and then can burst into flame ( Same with their anger). This flame keeps them going and gives them lots of drive and energy. Fire can seem like magic sometimes as it seemingly appears from nothingness. Fire people have this magic within them, this passion that also seems to come from nothingness and with it great things can happen. Fire people are known for being the most energetic and active. This makes sense when you realize that fire is the only element that is actively doing something. It has to burn to exist. The other elements just 'are' and exist no matter what. The element of fire in it's most positive form is in a controlled environment, such as a fireplace, and it can warm us body and soul. That is how a fire person is in their most positive form, they are warm and generous people. Fire's negative side though is when it gets out of control. When fire gets out of control it has the power to destruct, to burn down everything in it's path. It can burn down acres and acres of land, people's homes and business, leaving nothing but a barren wasteland. Similarly a fire person when tapping into their negative side and letting their anger run wild has the power to burn down everything in their path with their anger and they can even turn violent. The wrath of an out of control fire person can be as destructive as an out of control fire. It is important for them to learn to control their fire, to warm others hearts instead of being destructive.
~ Earth ~
Earth always just 'is', it never moves, never goes away, it is always there to support us and all of life. Similarly earth people are very reliable, they are like everybody else's rock because you know they are going to be there for you. Earth people are also very grounded, because how could they be otherwise? Earth never flies off like air or extinguishes like fire. It is always there and always grounded. Earth loves to sustain life, it loves when trees, plants, flowers and food grow upon it. It also loves to to have animals and people living on it's surface. Similarly Earth People love to be surrounded by physical things to be secure. These things can range from actual nature, their house, prized possessions to pets and loved ones. Having these around makes them feel secure in the physical world, without physical 'comforts' they would feel like a barren desert with nothing growing upon it's surface. Earth People are also known for being quite loyal, which makes sense when you realize that earth is always loyal to all of life and it couldn't possibly desert any of us.
~ Air ~
Air is an intangible element and therefore air people are of course concerned with intangible things. Particularly the mind and ideas. They are always off floating in the stimulating mental realm. Air is light as a feather, there is no substance to it whatsoever, it just flows throughout the world, breathing fresh life into everything. Similarly air people are lighthearted most of the time, they don't take anything too seriously and don't tend to be overly emotional. They just flow through life like the air , bringing with them fresh ideas. The air isn't always complacent though. Think of a tornado wildly sucking everything up that's in it's path. Air people can be just like a tornado if you enter into a battle of wits with them , they will suck you up into a crazy whirlwind and you won't know what hit you. Sometimes they can even get sucked into their own tornado if they let themselves become too unorganized and they could feel like they are spinning out of control.
~ Water ~
Water is the most advanced element in the zodiac and therefore water people are a little more complex. This makes sense if you realize that a big part of our ocean is yet to be explored. The ocean is largely a mystery to us and water people can appear to be a mystery as well. The ocean is fathoms deep and there are many different layers to it. There is the water on the shore and in the tidal pools which is usually clear and you can explore the creatures that live there quite easily as it is pretty accessible. From there is just gets deeper and deeper and more mysterious. Some parts of the ocean in the deepest depths are pitch black and strange creatures lurk there. Similar to the ocean water people are very deep and their emotions have many layers. Like the deep dark part of the ocean, they have a mysterious part of their feelings in the depths of their psyche where dark emotions lurk like creatures of the deep. They have many other emotional layers as well that go all the way up to the most shallow, happy, fleeting emotions that are like a tidal pool. However when something triggers an emotion hidden in the depths, the emotion will rise up through all the layers spilling up onto the surface, making tears pour down their cheeks, like waves crashing upon a shore. The ocean ebbs and flows just like the emotions of a water person. The ocean can keep us afloat and help us to reach certain destinations, but it also has the power to destroy us and make our ships sink to the very bottom of it's watery depths. Similarly, a water person experiencing happy emotions is like a ship that is smooth sailing and they can keep themselves afloat on their sea of happiness. On the other hand, a water person who lets dark emotions completely take a hold of them, can drown in their own depression and dark feelings. Also on the topic of ships, when a ship does sink , the ocean holds it and keeps it in it's grasp, rotting on the ocean floor, a relic of the past. This is similar to what water people do to past memories they have trouble letting go of. They sink to the deep reaches of their psyche, rotting and serving no purpose. When anything triggers that past memory, that can be a cause of their emotions spilling over onto the surface. They must try to remember to send down metaphorical divers to take away the shipwreck of the past, so it doesn't keep rotting in the dark corners of their hearts and minds. Water is not only in the ocean. It is in rivers, lakes, springs, ponds and creeks. It can rain down upon us and even flood our streets. It can come out of any where, just out of the blue. That's how feelings are with water people, they can come from anywhere and sometimes a burst of emotion comes out of nowhere, like a rainstorm that comes on a spring day.
Isn't it crazy how not only do the planets influence us, but the elements of the earth as well. Everything truly is connected. I'd like to mention as a side note that some people may also resonate with the element that their sun sign is in , if that element is not their dominant element. These elemental descriptions also help to describe the energy of any planet in a particular element and what energy that planet takes on. Also the dominant element in a solar return can describe what sort of energy your year will have. So as you can see, these elemental descriptions can also help to explain more than just the dominant element in a natal chart~