
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Virgo Full Moon: Releasing Feelings of Inadequacy

Tomorrow, March 5th 2015 at 10:05 AM (PST) there will be a Full Moon in Virgo. This isn't a super intense Full Moon, but the energy is still pretty strong. 

Full Moon's are always an important time to release and let go of what no longer serves us. With the Full Moon in Virgo the most important thing to let go of is criticism and the need to be perfect. Nobody is perfect and self criticism is not going to get you anywhere. The only thing these actions will affect is your self-esteem and not in a very good way. If you are constantly telling yourself that you are not perfect and you constantly criticize yourself and tell yourself you're not worthy, all you will do is spiral down into the abyss of self loathing. This is not a good thing and this Full Moon urges us to let go of those negative tendencies. The Sun in Pisces is at the other half of this Full Moon and Pisces has an energy that reminds us that at the core of our beings we are all perfect and loved. This Pisces energy is important to tap into this Full Moon if you have been having self-esteem issues. 

The Pisces Sun is also urging us to get out of our heads and to follow our hearts as well. This is a great thing to do and may also help self-esteem issues because when you are in your head perhaps you compare yourself to other people and start to feel bad about yourself. If you are following your heart though, you may realize that everyone is following their own special path and that you are special in your own right. The Pisces heart centered energy may make some of you feel creative as well. Creativity is a great way to release pent up feelings, so creative pursuits are always  good Full Moon activities

Pluto will be trine the Full Moon. Pluto is known as the most intense planet, but because it is trine the Moon it will be helping us out in a positive way. Pluto is all about transformation,  so on this Full Moon we must transform are thoughts and feelings and release those that are not beneficial to us. 

During this Full Moon the Virgo energy may help some of us become more organized and grounded as well. This is a good thing with all the Pisces energy going on! A Full Moon happens when the Moon is opposing the Sun, so there are always two energies pulling us in two different directions. With this Full Moon the two energies are that of Virgo and Pisces. The Virgo energy wants to help us become more organized and grounded like I said, but the Pisces energy makes us want to dream and lounge about. I personally have been feeling this tug of war the last few days. I've been making tons of to do lists as I've wanted to become more organized (Virgo energy), but I've had trouble pushing myself to complete everything on my to do list because I have literally wanted to lounge about and read poetry instead! ( Pisces energy). Perhaps some of you understand this current opposing energy. 

Overall this Full Moon should help us release feelings of inadequacy, help us to follow our hearts, transform our thoughts, to become more organized and also may help us to remember to dream and soak up the beauty that is life. This Full Moon will affect those who have Virgo in their charts the strongest, so look for where you have Virgo in your Natal Chart to see where this Full Moon will affect you. I wish you all the best and to remember that you are all already perfect and to stop beating yourself up if that is something you've been doing. Don't dim your light by thinking you're not good enough, own your light and shine it out to the world! You deserve it and the world needs your light as it is. 

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