
Friday, April 3, 2015

Libra Lunar Eclipse: Sink or Swim

Tomorrow, April 4th 2015 at 5:05 AM (PST) there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Eclipses are always quite intense, but this will be more intense than usual because it is going to be a total eclipse. 

Lunar Eclipses are always about release. We have to let go of what is no longer serving us, during this time. The two zodiac signs that are involved in this Eclipse are Aries and Libra. This means that during this time we must find compromise and harmony within our relationships. If anything is holding you back from having a balanced and harmonious life, than it is time to let it go. The Nodes are conjunct this Eclipse, which further shows how important it is for our life purpose to find harmony and balance. If you are selfish and don't give of yourself, than this is the time to stop that behavior. On the flip side, if you are always sacrificing yourself, than you need to give to yourself as well to bring everything back into balance. 

Lunar Eclipses can be quite emotional, so just remember that if any feelings come up and just know that you need to ride them out. Uranus is conjunct the Sun during the Eclipse, so there may be some unpredictable surprises. With Uranus, you never know what may happen. I don't know whether I should bring this up or not, but Uranus and Full Moons have been known to influence earthquakes, so with the combination of these influences I wouldn't be surprised if there was an earthquake somewhere in the world. 

Astrologically speaking, there have been a lot of events going on recently that have been intense and have pushed us to grow. This Eclipse is just another step on this path of growth and learning. During the Eclipse the Sun and the Moon will both be square Pluto. This is very intense and will push us to transform. With Pluto in the mix we either sink or swim. You can either drown in your problems and never attempt to better yourself or you can acknowledge what needs changing in your life and act accordingly. The only way to survive is to choose to swim, so I highly suggest that you decide to grow and learn. It will make your life easier and help you to personally grow in leaps and bounds. 

I wish you all the best during this Eclipse and that it helps you all to regain balance and harmony in your life. Remember that compromise is key to a happy life and that the only way to go is up and onward. Also, don't forget Pluto's lesson that you must swim or you will drown. Everyone has problems, but your life will only be miserable if you hold on to them. So take advantage of this powerful Lunar Eclipse and release! 

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