
Monday, May 18, 2015

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: Retreat, Reflect and Rejuvenate

Today, May 18th 2015 Mercury is turning retrograde in Gemini. This retrograde will last until June 11th. I'm sure the thought of a Mercury Retrograde sends some of you into panic mode, but it really isn't as bad as you may think.  Mercury Retrograde doesn't mean anything bad will happen, it just means that some things may be slow or frustrating. 

Mercury Retrograde is probably particularly frustrating in contemporary times because we expect communication to be fast, we don't have a lot of patience, and we forget how to slow down and take it easy. If you remember the three R's of Mercury Retrograde: Retreat, Reflect and Rejuvenate, you shouldn't have too bad of a time. Mercury is in Gemini this retrograde . Mercury and Gemini both rule the mind. During a retrograde we are urged to turn our minds inwards to reflect on and review our lives. Starting new projects isn't a good idea, instead let yourself have some contemplation time. Let yourself rest during this period of time. Try to stay in and not go out when you have free time. Take some relaxing bubble baths, take some naps, watch some of your favorite movies or prepare some homemade meals. 

If you slow down and have some patience hopefully you won't get too frustrated. Communication, technology and travel plans still could get a bit mixed up and confusing though. You just have to roll with the punches. Starting new things isn't a good idea because they may not turn out very well. This is also not a good time to begin new relationships. However, it is a good time to catch up with old friends you haven't talked to in a while. 

Overall Mercury Retrograde is what you make of it. Yes this may be a annoying time, but give yourself some much needed rest and downtime and you can turn this time into something positive. 

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