
Thursday, February 23, 2017

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces

We just finished up an old Eclipse cycle at the last Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse. Now we are starting off a new Eclipse cycle with energy that will last till August, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces on Sunday ( February 26th 2017 6:58 AM). There are New Beginnings abound! Even though you may not necessarily see the effects right away. 

New Moon's always kick off a new lunar cycle. It's when the Moon is at it's darkest point and it starts waxing towards full. This means the energy is ripe for manifesting new things into your life. With a Solar Eclipse this energy is just even stronger. The week leading up to this New Moon Solar Eclipse we may feel more prone to withdraw our energy a bit and maybe even to reflect on what we would like in our lives. This is because the moon is waning, so our energy is a little lower. We are preparing for some big new beginnings though. 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is in Pisces. The Piscean energy is much stronger than it would normally be however as Mercury, Neptune, Chiron and the South Node are all in Pisces as well. It's interesting to note that 3 other planets (Venus, Mars and Uranus) are all in Aries, which is Pisces neighboring sign. This means that the energy is very clustered. Take a look at the chart above to see what this looks like on paper. The left side shows the conglomeration of Pisces and Aries planets. 

With all the Piscean energy we all may feel a little sensitive. Pisces has trouble with boundaries so if the energy of this New Moon Solar Eclipse really impacts you, you may pick up on others feelings etc. Be careful and try to protect your energy during this time. Pisces energy is great to get in touch with yourself on a spiritual level. This is a highly intuitive time. Meditation around this time is highly recommended! It would be the ideal way to get in touch with these energies. Creativity may also be enhanced because of the Piscean connection to imagination.

Neptune is the planet closest to the New Moon with a conjunction. Neptune is the planet associated with Pisces, so this aspect even further enhances Piscean energy. This influence makes us so energetically sensitive, our empathy is heightened, intuition strengthened,  the draw to the spiritual is stronger, and also me may feel more tired. Resting and meditating are important. 

While the New Moon Solar Eclipse is going on, there is an exact conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Aries and they are both opposing Jupiter. 

Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Libra's opposition is something I never seem to stop talking about as it's cropping up all the time these days. They have been in exact opposition before and now they will be in exact opposition again since Jupiter went retrograde. The lessons have to do with a pull between wanting to break free and explore your individuality and the pull of growth and harmony within relationships. The pull between the 'me' and the 'you'. 

Mars being conjunct Uranus is influencing the Uranus side of this opposition. People may be putting more energy on themselves and their individuality. Don't forget to keep your relationships fair however. This energy may make people want to charge ahead and start new things that are near and dear to their hearts. Mars with Uranus brings some erratic energy though, so careful of rushing into things without thinking about them first. That Jupiter opposition to Mars can just heighten impulsiveness as well, so be careful with that. 

~Overall this is an exciting time ripe with positive change! If you've been waiting for something new to happen this is the time! ~

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