
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jupiter in Scorpio: A Year of Deep Transformation and Growth

Jupiter entered Scorpio today, October 10th 2017 where it will stay until November 8th 2018. Wherever Jupiter goes it gives us luck and expansion. This year that luck and expansion touches on the themes of Scorpio. 

Scorpio rules transformation and I'm talking about really intense transformation. Like total destruction of things,  so that positive rebirths can happen. Jupiter on the other hand is the largest planet and one that rules growth and expansion. When you put these two together, you can expect this year to be a period of tremendous transformation and growth. Scorpio rules the depths of the self as well, so a lot of this growth may be inner growth in particular. Scorpio has the most intense emotions of the water signs, so there can be deep emotional growth as well. 

Basically we will be looking for change on a deep inner level and change that aligns with our true inner selves. There's a doorway opening around desire and what our souls truly desire. Scorpio does away with the superficial and whatever isn't in alignment with our true selves we will get ready to abolish from our lives. There is tremendous spiritual growth around for the taking . In fact anything taboo, spiritual or mysterious seems to hold interest for us now and we want to explore the deeper aspects of life. 

This past year with Jupiter in Libra, there was growth in 1 on 1 partnerships. We had to learn harmony and compromise. Change was harder though because Libra constantly weighs two options and is infamous for indecision. Scorpio is all about change however and now we can completely transform our lives and bring about that which is in alignment with our spirits and we can bring about our deepest desires. We have gone through some growth with 1 on 1 partnerships, but on a more mental, surface level. With Jupiter in Scorpio our relationships are now growing on the level of intimacy. We are now looking for intense sexual intimacy and soul level intimacy with another person. Not only with another person, but connecting on an intimate level with ourselves and with life as well.

Speaking of sex, Scorpio loves it and Jupiter expands everything. This means that sex drives could become more intense. There will be positive growth though around sexuality.

Other things that Scorpio rules are power and other peoples' money/shared finances. There may be some positive opportunities and support around joint finances this year. With Scorpio's drive for intimacy there could now be a desire to share your life with someone in a more material way like sharing financial responsibility or even a home for some people. As far as power goes, that is the one downfall of Jupiter in Scorpio. It expands the drive for power, which may be interesting to witness in the governments of the world. 

Jupiter in Scorpio will make two big aspects this year and they will be positive, so that's good news! One will be a trine to Neptune. This will be a wonderful aspect on a spiritual level and one that all water signs will probably feel in positive ways. The second big aspect is a wonderfully transformative sextile to Pluto. Pluto rules Scorpio, so imagine the transformation that could happen at that time! That aspect will be very welcome to water and earth signs alike. There will also be a mutual reception between Mars and Jupiter, which shall be nice too. A mutual reception is when two planets are in each other's signs. So Jupiter will be in Mars' original sign Scorpio and Mars will be in Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius.  When that happens we can really get some positive ventures going in our lives. We will at least have better aspects this year with Jupiter in Scorpio then we had with Jupiter in Libra last year. 

This year will be particularly profound for Scorpios and those born with Jupiter in Scorpio. If you have any planets in Scorpio, expect to have some kind of profound growth in certain areas of your life as well. 

~Overall this is a powerful and exciting transit! No more beating around the bush, it's time to go after what we desire and live a life that is satisfying to our spirits. An old order is dying out as well as everything superficial. It's time to experience the depth of life, the depths of our spirits and the depths of intimate relationships. ~

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