
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: An Energized Retrograde Centered Around the Truth and Creating Our Futures

It's Mercury retrograde time again! Mercury started a retrograde cycle on December 2nd 2017 and will be retrograde till December 22nd. I'm sure you can feel it already, but this isn't your typical Mercury Retrograde. This one is pretty energized. 

~Typical Mercury Retrograde Issues to Watch Out~
I can't have a Mercury retrograde post without making sure I tell you about some more typical Mercury retrograde things to watch out for. You should have patience with technology as you could experience some problems or glitches, you should be careful of miscommunications,  you should be careful of signing contracts and if you are traveling really make sure you double check everything etc. Mercury Retrogrades are also not a good time to start something totally new. Ending something isn't a good idea either if you can help it. The thing about starting something or ending something is that the nature of those circumstances can change when Mercury Retrograde is over, so it's best to wait on big decisions. 

~The Past~
Something Mercury retrogrades can bring up is the past. Whatever comes up is always for a reason, but the levels of of how important these things are can vary greatly. Sometimes we need to revisit something during this time that never got resolved. Sometimes something or someone that was in your life and kind of disappeared and wasn't really supposed to in the long run, comes back for a redo. On a more personal level, friends, or lovers who just never got over you or  never got what they wanted from you can re-surface and a lot of the time that doesn't necessarily mean anything more than that. 

~Moving Forward~ 
Something that I feel like is misunderstood about Mercury retrograde is that you can move forward. Especially during this particular retrograde, which is much more energized. The thing is, don't do something completely new. If you redo something or re-vamp something, that's awesome. You can also use some of the stuff from the past positively in order to move forward. 

~A Word About Retreating~ 
Mercury retrogrades usually have to do with taking a step back and retreating. While I think that you should make sure you take important reflective moments for yourself, this Mercury retrograde is just too energized for that to be all you focus on at this time. I think taking time to retreat, experience solitude and meditating are always important. I just think this retrograde isn't the time to totally disconnect form the world and to not do anything. Balance is really key here this time. 

~Mercury is Retrograde in the Sign of Sagittarius~ 
Mercury is going retrograde through the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign and is related to outward moving, yang energy. That's part of the reason why this retrograde is more energized. The symbol we associate with Sagittarius is that of the archer. Sagittarius is concerned with the future and helps us to point our 'arrows' in the right direction. During this retrograde we are concerned with our futures and everything we do, are revisiting, or bringing back from the past is all in order to really figure out where our  futures are going when Mercury turns direct. 

Sagittarius is also concerned with the truth and finding meaning. With Mercury retrograde in this sign we are really questioning the truth. What does it all mean? What is the truth of our lives? Our inner truth ( since retrogrades turn us inwards)? We are trying to discover these truths so we know what direction our futures should go in. This may mean that we discover some truths we didn't know previously. Sometimes this can be hard. It's important to know in the long run though. 

~Mercury, Saturn and the Galactic Center~ 
Mercury will be conjunct Saturn at the beginning of the retrograde. Saturn is about to leave Sagittarius, so this is kind of a big aspect. It really intensifies the Sagittarius energy talked about above. There's almost an urgency to discovering the truth and getting on the right track. Also taking stock of what you really believe. This aspect is making us get serious. Both Mercury and Saturn have been in line with the galactic center (the center of our Milky Way galaxy) as well lately. That's a big deal and I feel like the meaning of it is so huge, it's hard for anyone to completely understand or explain. Basically I think the things we are discovering on a personal level (if we are in tune enough) can have effects on a world level and then on a galactic level.....because we are part of something huge and I think we discount how important we are as individuals in making up the 'whole'.  If more people step into their 'truths', really follow their path and step into a place of alignment with light and love, I believe that can effect the 'whole'. I think it is all too vast and complicated to truly understand, but important to reflect on and bring to your attention regardless. 

~Other Aspects Mercury Will Make~ 
Mercury will be making a trine to the North Node. This will help us in further figuring out our life purpose and to further discover our most authentic version of our selves to move forward with. Step into your light! 

Mercury will also trine Uranus. This aspect is definitely bringing some of that energy I was talking about. It also brings an element of change. Hard to sit still with this one. 

Mercury will be squaring Chiron. This points to wounds coming up for healing. Healing wounds from the past that could come up. 

Mercury will also be conjuncting Venus. This will bring up some relationship stuff for some. 

~Wow! Lots to think about during this Mercury retrograde! Like I said, this one is more energized than usual. I'm sure you can already feel that. I think what we discover during this time will be very important for us all and it will be interesting to see how things move forward when Mercury turns direct again~ 

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