
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius: It's Time to Share Your Authentic Self With Others

Get ready because on Thursday (February 15th 2018 at 1:05 PM PST) we are having a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius! We are starting a new cycle that will last until July. 

With the Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago we were wrapping up a cycle that lasted for almost six months. That cycle was centered around the North Node in Leo. It was all about stepping into our authenticity and true selves. Shining our light and following our hearts. 

Now it's about integrating what we learned with the Leo energy into the Aquarius energy. It's important that we do not forget everything we learned during the last eclipse cycle centered around the North Node in Leo. Now it's about sharing our authentic selves with others. Tapping into our inner light so that we can help others. We need to bring our real, true, authentic, powerful selves into all our relations with other people. We need to keep following our hearts, but now balance it with our heads as well. 

It's important not to get sucked into the side of Aquarius that wouldn't serve us, however. You could call it 'the shadow side'. Don't just follow the crowd or do things that every else wants you to do. Bring your authentic self into all your interactions. It's time for you to share the real you with others. You can give back and share your light with the world when you are authentic. Blending in and fitting in really doesn't help anyone. Aquarius's modern day ruler is Uranus, which is all about breaking out of the box and being different. So tap into the part of Aquarius that is zany and different and embrace that part of you that is unique. It's also important to not get too detached. Remember to be fully present and to follow your heart. Don't become too in your head. Balance the two. 

Mercury will be conjunct the Eclipse and making a sextile to Uranus. This is powerful because Uranus rules Aquarius like I just mentioned. Mental energy is high with the Mercury conjunction. Lots of ideas and out of the box thinking. Unexpected messages or news could accompany the Eclipse. Uranus brings the element of change. Change is in the air, we are starting a new cycle, so embrace it! This is a time of new beginnings. New beginnings built on things we learned about ourselves in the last six months. 

Venus wil also be making a sextile to Saturn at the time of the eclipse. This is good for starting to build the life we want and to commit to it. Venus in Pisces is an emotional energy that can help us follow our feelings and take them into account. If anyone is focused on relationships around the Eclipse it's a good time to commit and get serious. This can even just mean committing and getting serious about your dreams. 

One last thing to mention is that all the planets that have moved through Aquarius lately have squared Jupiter. This is a reminder about remembering to follow our deep desires and our feelings. Aquarius is a detached mental sign, but we are being encouraged to not forget about our hearts and feelings during this new cycle that's beginning. 

~Overall this is an exciting time of new beginnings! We spent the past six months stepping more into our authentic power and into our heart space. Now we get to share that with the world and connect with others! If you are familiar with your birth chart, whatever house has Aquarius in it/on the cusp is the area of life that will be a focus until July. I hope everyone's lives continue to unfold in beautiful ways. Remember to share the beauty and truth of who you are with the world now and with those around you~

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