
Monday, June 11, 2018

New Moon in Gemini: Time for New Mindsets and Communication Habits

It's that time of the month again! On June 13th we are having a New Moon in Gemini! It's really important that you decide to start whatever it is you want to start at this time and set your intentions because there's only a small window of time left before the energy turns inward with Mars Retrograde. This is a good little bit of time to get some things started. 

The New Moon in Gemini can be a little bit of a lighter energy compared to other New Moons. This is a great time to connect with people, to learn new things, to act on new ideas (I would do that sooner rather than later). Anything to do with connecting with others, communicating and the mental realm is good to get started at this time basically. 

With the most recent Full Moon we had a theme of releasing old beliefs and thought patterns that weren't serving us anymore. Now with the energy of this mental New Moon everyone has the potential to set intentions to change their thought patterns for the better and really get their mindsets back on track. 

While there aren't really any direct aspects to the New Moon, there's a couple interesting things going on around it. The ruler of Gemini and therefore the New Moon, Mercury, will be square Chiron at the time of the New Moon. A little bit before that it will be sextile Uranus giving us electrical unusual insights perhaps. The New Moon itself though, is marked by the Mercury Chiron square. This shows that any mental or communication wounds may come up at this time. Even though the New Moon in Gemini is generally light, this may bring a bit of tension or difficulty. Remember though, we can use this New Moon to set intentions for better communication and mental habits! 

There could be security issues with Mercury in Cancer. Perhaps you're staying stuck with a safe, but not good mindset because you're afraid of what could change if you change your thoughts. If so,  it's not helping you as an individual be the best you can be. Perhaps what you're communicating and sharing with others is within a safety zone, but not exactly true to you. Chiron in Aries is all about healing issues around our identities, so any communication or mindset issues that we are holding onto  because of a warped sense of security, we need to let go of and start fresh at this time. 

One last thing to mention is that at the time of the New Moon, Venus will be at the last degree of Cancer and will enter Leo later in the day. That 29th degree is always significant! Relationship wise there could be a turning point for some at this time with the New Moon. Perhaps its a good chance to start some better communication habits in relationships or to change your mindset about relationships. 

✨This is a Super Moon, which basically means that the Moon is closer to the earth. Yes, this means the energy could be felt a little stronger perhaps. Other than that on the surface it doesn't seem like an action packed New Moon, but it's very powerful in terms of our minds and communication. We can really work through some important issues at this time. Plus it's just a good idea to get some new things rolling before Mars Retrograde! ✨

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