
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mercury Retrograde in Leo: Uncovering Our True Selves

Get ready! Tonight Mercury is going Retrograde! It will be Retrograde just a little over three weeks. This Mercury Retrograde is happening at such an interesting and crazy time astrologically. It's coinciding with a Mars Retrograde and with Eclipse season. It's a time of fated events, beginnings and endings and plenty of review and reflection first. 

With both Mars and Mercury Retrograde, this is a time to slow down and turn within to examine your life. This can be a frustrating time, as perhaps not much seems to be moving forward. Trust me though, once this summer is over our lives will most likely be quite different. First we need to review and examine. If you don't take good time for yourself you could get forced to slow down. A personal observation I've made is that people who don't take time for themselves or are bogged down by responsibilities without an option to stop during a retrograde, get sick. The universe seems like it will make you slow down and spend some time with yourself to reflect whether it's your choice or not! No matter what your duties are, whatever free time you have really try to opt for spending time with yourself. With these two Retrogrades going on it's time to push the pause button a bit and process. We need to process what has been going on recently in our lives. Some may need to process things from the past if there are residual issues and feelings that need to be dealt with. Once we've done our processing, then we can use this time to figure out where we would like to go from here. 

Typical Mercury Retrograde Issues to Look Out For 

1. Communication. It can get wonky. Especially with today's reliance on electronic communication. Take your time when communicating. Double check things and communicate clearly and well to avoid misunderstandings. 

2. Be careful with all electronics, devices etc. Things like that can go on the fritz. 

3. This can be a time where mind is very active. If you become overwhelmed by your thoughts take the time to write out your thoughts or something. 

4. The personal planets going retrograde have a tendency to bring up the past. People from the past could show up. This could be a good thing, someone you need to reconnect with or that needs to bring something to your attention about who you used to be. Sometimes the people that show up though are mostly just random. It's a good idea to be discerning if you're getting messages from someone from the past. Think about their intentions and if it would even be beneficial to connect to them. 

5. Retrogrades are not times to start completely new things. Of course life does not stop during a retrograde and I'm not telling you to hide out under your covers. That being said I would not recommend starting a completely new project, job or relationship at this time. This is a great time instead to figure out what your next step should be. Also, endings can be tricky at this time. A Lunar Eclipse is happening this weekend which can bring bring changes or endings about. Yet Retrogrades are usually not times to make big decisions. I feel like everyone will just have to feel this one out individually. Some may feel very pushed to make changes right now, others may start to get the ball rolling, but will make a full and final decision when the Retrogrades are over. 

Mercury in Leo
Now let's talk about the fact that this Mercury Retrograde is happening in the sign of Leo! What's so crazy is that the Eclipses are revolving around the signs of Leo and Aquarius and Mars is Retrograde in Aquarius while Mercury will be Retrograde in Leo! How crazy is that? We are totally being urged to figure out the lessons of these signs. The North Node is in Leo, so during this time this is the energy we are supposed to be moving into. The energy of authenticity, shining our inner light, following our hearts and becoming immersed in our personal power of creation. Therefore during Mercury Retrograde in Leo we are really reflecting deeply within ourselves to get more in touch with our personal essence. To listen to our hearts. This can be a great time to play around with your creativity as well. Yes, the energy can be slow and frustrating. I feel like there is kind of an exciting aspect to this Mercury Retrograde though. There's a great opportunity to bask in the essence of who we are as we take a step inwards. As long as we don't pressure ourselves to get out there and make it happen this moment, there's opportunity for fun, play and creativity. Aries is the baby in zodiac, but Leo is the child. This is an important time to get in touch with your inner child. This could be difficult for some who have childhood trauma they need to heal. It can also be quite fun though. When people are children they're still at a malleable age where they haven't been too swayed by others ( I guess it really depends on the situation) . In moments of play they are drawn to certain things. There's an opportunity now to reflect on that . As we reflect on this we may realize elements of our authentic selves that we have since repressed over the years. For some, reflecting and looking back may bring  profound realizations. For others, revisiting certain things from your childhood could be important as silly as that may seem! Perhaps you should engage in activities you once liked or watch your favorite childhood movie. You could end up learning something valuable about yourself and what you were initially drawn to. 

~What we are really doing at this time is uncovering aspects of our authentic selves. Everyone is on a different level of this journey. Some people are already really far along, but could go deeper or share more of themselves. Others are just starting out. Our culture is obsessed with 'becoming' but this process we're going through isn't about 'becoming' anything. We already are who we truly are. We need to become archeologists within our own souls, personalities and lives to uncover  our inner truth because it's already there. It's an interesting time, but I'm so excited to see the amazing things that happen when life starts moving forwards again.~ 

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