
Friday, August 10, 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo: There is No One Alive Who is Your Than You

It's here! The last of the Eclipses! The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo will happen in the wee small hours of tomorrow morning (August 11th ). Eclipses happen astrologically when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct the Nodes, so this is the time for us to finally get the lesson of the North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. 

Leo Energy

I know I've talked about this energy so much by now, but here I go again! This Solar Eclipse is really the big final moment to fully embrace this energy. It's a new beginning. Mercury and Mars are still retrograde so this new beginning is starting more on the inside at this time and then the full effects will start to all come together at the end of the month. 

So the Solar Eclipse is in Leo, of course highlighting the North Node in Leo. What's this energy about? It's about stepping into your true authentic self. Now is the time for a fresh start with this energy. This is happening on different levels for different people. For some this is a new concept and for others it's not so new. It's time to shine your inner light, to bask in the wonderfulness of who you are. With the South Node in Aquarius, it's time to share this with others. It's time to follow your heart. To live from your heart space. It's time to share your innate gifts. It's time to get in touch with your creative power. Now you can create a life that is authentic to you! 

It's about fun and happiness as well. Are you ready for a life that makes you happy; a life that you find fun? You won't be happy unless you allow yourself to be you and to live the life you want. If you are pleasing others you won't be having any fun. In fact that can get super boring really fast. Living someones else's life is no fun. 

It's time to step into our inner king or queen energy and create our kingdoms the way we'd like them. Or our inner rockstar. Whatever archetype you can think of that represents standing strong in your authentic power and rocking it. 

The time for giving yourself up for anybody else is over. Hopefully if you had issues surrounding that you've been working on letting that go. This is another super important opportunity to get as far away from that as possible. 

Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Solar Eclipse

Mercury Retrograde in Leo has been helping us out with the Leo energy through reflection. It's very close to the New Moon. There may still be important revelations to be had about yourself that you may discover through quiet time and reflection. Mercury Retrograde also takes us back to the past and Leo is your inner child. It's time to reflect on who you were when you were younger. It's good to get in touch with that simpler time because there are so many keys about who you really are imbedded in that time. 

Mercury Retrograde Square Jupiter

At the same time of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, Mercury is square Jupiter. We really still need to reflect because this square to Jupiter shows us that there's some thing or things that we really desire deep down that we're either not seeing or acknowledging perhaps. We need to really think and bring up to the surface these deep desires so we can act on them and expand. Whatever they are will most likely help us have a better life. Also, on a side note be careful what you say during this aspect as you could say too much or go to far. 

Venus Starting to trine/sextile the Nodes

This is helping us find balance as Venus is in Libra. To allow ourselves to feel good and have what brings us pleasure in our lives. It helps us connect to love. The pure energy of love. So that we can love ourselves, experience genuine love with others and love our lives. 

Pluto Inconjunct Solar Eclipse

There's transformation that needs to happen, but we may be struggling with that. An inconjunct is when two energies are not working together and are very different. We want to step into our new fabulous lives perhaps without having to cut away the old or to face what seems would be a crisis. We need to be willing to transform. 

~ What a crazy summer it's been! This is like the final countdown right now though and what it all comes down to. It's all about stepping into our authentic selves and all the the different energies are just pulling and pushing us in that direction. This Solar Eclipse is exciting though! It marks new energy. It can also be a fated time. Keep in mind that the energy will start moving forward after August 27th, so don't be frustrated if you don't see results right now. Things will be moving forward soon and we will be implementing this new energy. If you need personal guidance about this energy I am always available for chart readings. If you're on my blog you can find info and my email under my 'About' page and if you are on facebook or instagram you can message me~ 

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