
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Full Moon in Libra: Reaching a Turning Point in Relationships and Our Individual Journeys

The time has come and we are wrapping up a cycle that started on March 20th with a Full Moon in Libra, with yet another Full Moon in Libra tomorrow! ( April 19th 2019 4:12 AM PST). It's not often we have two Full Moons in the same sign and it means we are continuing to deal with the same energy. The first Libra Full Moon took place at 0 degrees, which was significant. It marked a time of release and yet new beginnings. Maybe even the beginning of the end you could say. This Full Moon we're having now is happening at 29 degrees (that's the highest in degrees a zodiac sign goes) which is quite an important degree and marks a big turning point. This is the final turning point for anything that needs releasing. Things are about to change and we are turning a corner. 

Full Moons happen astrologically when the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs. The Full Moon is always made up of both these energies. With this Full Moon (and the last one we had) we are dealing with Libra and Aries energy. This means there's been lots of relationship turning points both romantic and otherwise (could be anything; friends, colleagues, bosses, clients, family you name it!) Relationships have been front and center in many people's lives. With the Aries energy though there's also a big focus on ourselves, our individuality and our egos. It's a back and forth energy seeing how our individual selves relate to others. Do you give too much to others? Do you give up yourself for others? Are you hesitant to give of yourself because of past experiences? This energy has also been bringing relationships to a close and also may have been bringing about some new ones. There's lots of shifting and changing when it comes to our own selves and our relationships to others! Whatever you have been going through, we have now reached a major turning point and it's important to let go of what doesn't serve you and bravely step into this new territory. 

It's interesting to take note of some aspects we have had recently and are going to have to understand what's playing out around this Full Moon. 

Last week we had the Sun square Saturn, the South Node and Pluto in Capricorn. This had to do with coming up against restrictions and realities in our lives, so that we could face them and deal with them. It brought up the fact that some situations need to end, that some outdated structures aren't serving us anymore. That old things that brought us a sense of security probably need to be let go of. 

The Sun during the Full Moon is moving towards a conjunction with Uranus that will be exact this weekend. Get ready for the unexpected! It's time to break free. To shake things up. That Capricorn energy we had come up against had shown us how we were restricted, but this Uranus energy shows us how we can be free. That it's time for change and for the new. We can't hold on to sub par situations for security reasons. Life awaits us! Time to break out of the shackles and see what wonderful things life has to offer us. 

Venus, the ruling planet of Libra will be reaching the end degrees of Pisces at the Full Moon. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so I do really feel like this shows that there is definitely an ending of a relationship cycle being reached for some people. 

When we had the first Libra Full Moon on March 20th Mercury was still retrograde in Pisces. Things started to shift, but there wasn't so much clarity. Mercury finally moved into Aries just a couple days ago and now we also finally have more clarity at this time! Better ability to make decisions, see the facts and communicate better. 

Mercury is also just about conjunct Chiron at the time of the Full Moon too, so we may need to heal some identity wounds. Perhaps around being able to express ourselves in particular. 

What an intense past month this has been in regards to relationships and our own individuality and identity! We have now reached a big turning point. If faced with decisions make ones that you know are for your highest good. Release that which doesn't serve you. It's time to change and begin a new chapter of relating. 

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