
Friday, January 10, 2020

Lunar Eclipse in Cancer: Release the Old Reality and Step Fully Into the New

We started the Eclipse season off with a Solar Eclipse on Christmas night. Ushering in a new world, a new reality. Now we are completing this Eclipse story with a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer today (January 10th 2020). We have started a new reality, but now we must release the past, old realities, old beliefs, rules and ways of being completely in order to step into the new. 

The Nodes are the points in which the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There's the North Node, which is in Cancer and the South Node, which is in Capricorn currently. Astrologically the North Node is an energy that as a collective and as individuals we should be moving towards. The South Node represents an opposite energy that is at times a balancing force and also represents an energy to let go of. Through certain series of Eclipses we deal with this energy. Moving in a better direction and learning new things. 

This Eclipse cycle is about the North Node in Cancer, where the Moon is at during this particular Lunar Eclipse. It's all about getting in touch with our emotions and feelings. Opening up emotionally. Opening up our hearts. It's important to follow this first and foremost at this time. 

With the South Node in Capricorn, which is where the Sun is at during this Eclipse, we need a solid foundation and structure from which to safely explore our feelings, open our hearts and follow our hearts as well. Basically we need a reality that is aligned with our hearts and feelings. Capricorn rules the bone structure in our bodies. If we think about it like that, we need a solid bone structure in which to contain our hearts and keep them safe. 

While that's the balancing energy of the South Node, there are certain things to let go of. Living life from a place of feeling obligated, fitting in with the so called 'rules', following the path set up by society, adhering to tradition and outdated modes of thinking. It's also time to listen to the voice of the heart instead of the voice of fear or restriction. Even the voice of reason some would say. 

Overall with this Eclipse we've reached a culmination point. A time to fully release. Hopefully our hearts have been opening, we're following them more and we've already realized a bit of what this new reality will be like quite recently. Now we need to fully release the past. Fully release blocks to our heart. Fully release fear. Fully release the old world. Old traditions. Old outdated ways of doing things, being and thinking. This is a big final release as the new continues to come into being. 

Now there's lots going on around this Eclipse. So much energy in Capricorn. We have the Sun, Mercury, the South Node, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and even asteroid Ceres here. We are totally building a new foundation and world as we release the old reality. The core spark of our beings (the Sun), our minds (Mercury, our drive to expand (Jupiter), our inner authority (Saturn), our drive for transformation (Pluto) and our nurturing instinct (Ceres) are all teamed up now to create this new reality and release the old. With the Sun, we need a life that honors our truth, our inner spark. Old identities, old selves, need to go. With Mercury we need a new mindset. The old way of thinking, especially negative restrictive thinking, needs to go. With Jupiter, we need to allow our realities to expand and grow. To expand past what we thought was possible. To step into a new way of believing. The old way of belief,  old belief systems, need to go. With Saturn we need to regain authority over our lives. Realize the power we have to manifest and create the lives we desire. We need to create new healthy structures and know that all these good things must fit into this physical reality. We need to release giving our power away to authority figures. Adhering to old structures, rules and traditions. With Pluto we need to let the old reality die. Be destroyed completely. We need to rise from the ashes of the past. Transform into a new reality. A new you. With Ceres, we need to nurture and tend to our dreams of this new reality, so that it can become more real and continue to grow. Bring the quality of care and nurturance into this new reality. Let go of a cold world where there was no nurturance. Let go of old things in the past that you don't need to tend to or give your care to anymore. 

So let's talk about it all a bit more individually. Jupiter is exactly conjunct the South Node. We really are growing out of the past. Out of the old reality. It's like shoes that don't fit anymore. We are really being faced with old beliefs in order to let them go. Life is always what you believe it to be. Which is why you need to expand what you believe and be rid of negative beliefs. 

Mercury and the Sun are exactly conjunct during the Eclipse. There may be lots of communication and information coming through at this time. We need to align our minds and thoughts in a better place. Get our heads in the program. It's imperative to release negative thinking and fear based restrictive thinking at this time. There may be some difficulty and tug of war between our minds and feelings however as Mercury aligned with the Sun, means it's also exactly opposing the Moon. Our monkey minds may be in a tug of war with our feelings. You must not let your mind get the better of you and keep following your heart. Our hearts just feel what is right, but with Mercury in Capricorn we could over rationalize, get fearful and try to reason our way out of following our hearts. The heart's path is where true success lies however. 

The biggest news of this whole Eclipse is Saturn and Pluto's conjunction in Capricorn. This is not a transit that has happened since 1518. This is literally life altering on personal and collective levels. The old structures, rules, traditions, reality (Saturn) is dying, is being eradicated, yet transforming into something new (Pluto). Never have we experienced such a huge shift of the old reality literally ending and a new reality coming into being. 

I mean this is intense. The old has absolutely no place in your reality anymore. The past has to go completely. Old lives. Old versions of yourself. Old people that don't belong in your reality anymore. Old jobs. Old homes. Old anything. It has to go. A new beautiful reality is here and you're going to want to step into it. It may not look like anything you've ever seen before. That's a good thing! You don't want anything you've had before. Everything now must align with your heart. Your new reality must be heart based. This is a powerful transit bringing the new into being, but it can be harsh. This could be the biggest purge of the old. Lots could come up. You must release it. It has no place in the new. Anything you're holding onto will be eradicated. 

What's crazy is that the Sun and Mercury will meet up with this conjunction of Saturn and Pluto over the weekend. Some of this crazy, purging, transformative energy will continue throughout the weekend. It will be a intense energy building these 3 days. We will be releasing and stepping into the new this whole time. 

The asteroid Ceres' involvement is very interesting. Ceres rules the principle of nurturance. We are nurturing this new world as it comes into being. Ceres is at 21 degrees Capricorn smack dab between the Sun and Mercury conjunction at 20 degrees and the Saturn and Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees. In this new world we must nurture ourselves. Remember to care for ourselves. We must nurture our minds. Bring them into a softer energy. Ceres is a mother energy and Saturn is the father energy. Its interesting these are together and with Pluto! I'd say for anyone with residual parental issues, it's best to eradicate them our of your system at this time. The old dynamic that has been in grained in you. The patterns that stemmed from them. Let it go. The way you weren't nurtured perhaps as a child, you can release now. You don't have to carry these templates forward. We can majorly release parental issues. We can't carry them forward any longer. I mean, we're really eradicating everything from the past, as much as we can, but so many issues begin with our parents, it's no surprise to see this energy now. Even with the whole Capricorn, Cancer dynamic, mother and father energies are brought up. 

It's also interesting to consider Ceres aligned with Pluto. Mythologically Pluto was god of the underworld and he kidnapped Ceres daughter Persephone and eventually came to a compromise that Persephone would come back to the surface half the year and bring life. It's weird to see these energies meet up because of this myth. They're meeting up, making an agreement. An agreement for a balanced world with both winter and spring. Ceres energy is perhaps showing that yes we've been down in our personal underworld facing our demons, but it's time to let go of the struggle. It's time to come back to the surface. It's time for spring. It's energetically been winter as we've dealt with our shadows, but this energy marks that spring is on the horizon. It's time for new life and growth. 

Another asteroid that is playing a big part in this Eclipse is Juno. Juno is in Libra and is square the Sun and Mercury. Juno in Libra is about perfectly balanced committed relationships. There's a lot about relationships with this energy. The best fair relationships are coming into being. There's a ton of serious commitments within the good relationships aligned with this new reality. If you're in a relationship not working out this time though, oh boy get ready to release it. Even if you're holding on to residual committed relationship hurts especially in your mind with the square to Mercury. Thoughts connected to that must go. Also it could be about other things that you're committed to, but shouldn't, that you should release at this time. Old commitments must go as new ones form. 

This is such an intense time! The biggest week in astrology that I've seen yet. Life is changing! Reality is changing. Embrace the new reality. Release the old. Completely. Abolish it. The energy is pushing so strong in that direction. Let the old die way as you run with an open heart towards the new. It's already here. Just embrace it and let it keep growing. 

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