
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Chiron in Aries

Chiron entered Aries a couple days ago! (April 17th 2018) This marks a big change as Chiron's entrance into Aries marks the end of both an 8 year cycle and a 50 year cycle. We're now starting a new Chiron cycle, not just in a new sign, but a new cycle around the zodiac. A new healing cycle for the collective is beginning. I do want to mention that Chiron due to a retrograde will revisit Pisces at the end of September of this year into February of next year. We will have a chance to revisit some Chiron in Pisces issues at that time. I guess we are getting our first taster of Chiron in Aries at this time! Then in February of 2019-2026 we will have Chiron in Aries to stay. (It will also retrograde back into Aries till 2027 as well. 

Chiron is called the 'wounded healer' in Astrology. It urges us to heal our wounds and to become healers in our own rights. Chiron in mythology (pictured above) was a great teacher and even astrologer There's a bit of a debate as to what kind of planetary body Chiron actually is, but it's been referred to as an asteroid the most. I've heard astrologers call it a 'planetoid' as well, which is a term I like. To me Chiron is as important as the planets. It was discovered in 1977 and it's orbit is between that of Saturn and Uranus. It is the 'bridge' between the inner and outer planets. It is because of this that it brings higher consciousness to the physical world. 

The sign placement Chiron is in shows us certain wounds we need to heal. When Chiron was in Pisces it was about healing our connection to spirit and the universe. To heal the 'void' inside of us. The part of ourselves that some people try to fill with substances or other addictions. We aren't quite finished with this energy as we will need to revisit it from the end of September to February of next year. 

With Chiron in Aries, we go back to the beginning to heal. We need to heal our own selves. We will be healing our individuality, our identity, our independence and our egos. Everyone on this planet is being asked and pushed to heal themselves at the core of who they are as individual beings on earth. How can the world be a better place if people don't know who they truly are? If people have messed up and skewed identities? We must heal ourselves and step into our true selves in order to heal others. We learned with Chiron in Pisces that we are all connected to the universe. That everything is connected and in that sense we are all one. Now we are being reminded that while we are all connected, we are individuals as well. This year (2018) with Chiron moving between Pisces and Aries, this will be very important for us to remember both these things. 

With Chiron in Aries it's time to dig deep and discover who you really are. What is your true identity? Since birth we have had many different possible identities thrown at us. Which ones are true though? What masks have you been wearing that are no longer serving you? 

The North Node in Leo is helping us out with this energy as it is pushing us to become our authentic selves and shine our inner light out into the world. Uranus is even leaving Aries right now. It was pushing us to break free of limitations holding us back from being our own weird, unique selves. We may have been pushed to break free a bit, but now we gotta dig a little deeper and see what wounds we have around these issues that we need to heal. Perhaps it's time to look back at childhood to times when who you really are or something you wanted was looked down upon by a parent or authority figure etc. A lot of Chiron issues seem to stem from childhood. 

Chiron in Aries may not be easy. It brings up our wounds. How can we heal wounds if we don't even feel what they are? We could feel insecure in ourselves and afraid to move forward with what we want as these wounds come up. It's time to start healing them though, so that we can stand strong in our own power. 

Aries as the first sign of the zodiac rules new beginnings. It's a cardinal sign that has to do with initiation. We must also heal wounds we have around the ability to start fresh and go after what we want in life. Also, healing our ability to step into our own power. Healing our ability to step into roles of leadership. How have you felt disempowered in your life? It's time to start healing that. 

I also believe that Chiron in Aries will help us heal the 'warrior' energy and masculine energy that is out of wack. Aries is ruled by Mars, which besides being the planet representing masculinity ( Venus is femininity) it is also the 'god of war'. We have known for a long time that we are living in a society where the masculine energy or yang energy predominates. We are wanting to bring the feminine energy more into balance. I think Chiron in Aries will bring up and hopefully help us heal the unbalanced masculine energy. What could also be brought up to heal could be 'the warrior' archetype. Helping us question what type of aggression isn't working anymore? Bringing up age old issues of warfare etc. I'm not saying Chiron in Aries will bring the end of the patriarchy or world peace or anything like that, but it will hopefully bring up some important issues around these themes for healing. To be a catalyst to help us heal our out of whack world. Remember that Chiron in Aries is essentially about healing our identities as individuals. It all starts with one person at a time. Balance your own inner masculine/feminine. Bring your own inner warrior into balance. It all starts with one person at a time. With our actions and our beliefs and what we identify with. 

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