
Friday, April 13, 2018

New Moon in Aries: Finally Time to Plant Those Seeds and Start Fresh

Sunday (April 15th 2018) is a big day as Mercury turns direct on the same day that we have a New Moon in Aries! We have been forced to turn within the past three weeks and it hasn't been easy. Mercury has been retrograde in Aries, which has been difficult as Aries is associated with new beginnings and charging ahead and we have not been able to do that. Mercury still has to retrace it's steps until it's back the degree it was before it went retrograde, but it is still moving forward. 

It's awesome that Mercury turns direct on the day of the New Moon because the phase of the lunar cycle that symbolizes new beginnings and the time to plant your seeds is the New Moon! On top of that the New Moon is in Aries; the first sign of the zodiac associated with new beginnings. Sure looks like things will finally be moving forward! 

The New Moon is conjunct Uranus as well, which could really spice things up for some people. Change could finally be here! Time to shake things up and break free from the restrictive energy you may have felt lately due to harsh aspects between planets in Aries and Capricorn. That energy isn't quite over with, but it doesn't seem as intense as it was. 

Jupiter and Pluto are still in an exact sextile the day of the New Moon too, which is great. This shows us that we are supported in growing and transforming. This aspect represents growing and transforming on a deep level in particular. 

The Aries energy besides bringing potential new beginnings, has to do with us standing in our individuality and our power. If you have been prevented from doing that for some reason, you now have an opportunity to start fresh (New Moon) and break free (Uranus). Mercury retrograde in Aries could have made us think about ourselves a lot. Contemplating our individual power and expression. We may have felt frustrated and restricted. It's time to break free from those seeming limitations. The future is looking brighter now! 

It's interesting to note the big changes that are happening in Aries around this time with other planetary bodies. Chiron is about to enter Aries. We will be healing and dealing with wounds around this Aries energy soon. Also, Uranus is going to leave Aries soon. It's the last New Moon in Aries with Uranus there. It's really important to embrace that energy therefore. To radically embrace our individuality and the freedom we have to embrace that. With all the Capricorn squares lately we may have felt that others or some expectations were restricting us from complete expression of our own individual selves and power. We must see how we are truly free though, and fully embrace this freedom and self-hood at this time before Uranus moves on and this New Moon is really powerful for stepping into that. 

✨Overall this is an exciting New Moon with fresh new energy for us. Enjoy and embrace it and yourself!

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