
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Full Moon in Sagittarius: Moving Towards a Brighter Future From a More Vulnerable and Raw Place

The energy has been intense this week and now we're just about at the Full Moon, which will be taking place in Sagittarius tomorrow June 17th 2019 in the wee small hours in the morning (1:30 am pst) What seeds did you plant in your life around June 3rd? This Full Moon can be a culmination point and time of harvest for some of those things. It's much more than that though, it's a time of major release as it's the last Full Moon before Eclipse season. Yet, a lot of the energy we've had lately is already bringing up themes of the Eclipses. 

A Full Moon happens when the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the earth. The Moon and Sun are therefore in opposing zodiac signs. This Full Moon we are dealing with the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini. This axis has a lot to do with our minds, beliefs and communication/expression. Lately a lot of different emotions, emotional issues, desires and restrictions have been coming up in the astrology. With this Full Moon we need to take a look at certain beliefs and thought patterns that aren't serving us as well so that we can release them. 

With the Sun in Gemini during the Full Moon it is important to see what the ruler of Gemini, which is Mercury, is up to. Mercury is in Cancer at the moment and has been a big player lately. It's latest aspect it's about to make at the time of the Full Moon is a conjunction to Mars in Cancer. There's still a tremendous amount of emotions around during the Full Moon. So many layers of feelings, desires and now even thoughts and beliefs we've had are bubbling up to the surface to be acknowledged, released, felt and expressed. It's a powerful time, but it can be overwhelming There's so many blocks to be lifted, so much to be cleared. Perhaps so much to say. There may be a lot to be communicated and expressed. With Mercury and Mars in Cancer it could come off as quite emotional or even snappy at this time. Feelings and desires want to be expressed. Decisions could even need to be made. The road to expression could really be opening up. Things could be confusing though, which leads me to my next point. 

While emotions are coming up, people are having revelations about themselves, desires are making themselves known and people are expressing more, there still may be things that aren't clear. This is because the Jupiter and Neptune square is continuing and Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, which is the sign the Moon is in. So much may be making itself known to you and you may be cracking open, but perhaps it's not best to assume you know the truths of situations. Although, it is important to seek the truth at this time and use discernment.

Sagittarius is also a sign that's about the future and Jupiter it's ruling planet is about expansion. You could see this time of release as a doorway opening you up to your future and towards new horizons. As you become more in touch with your feelings, express yourself and release the old you are cracking yourself open. There's an ability to burst through and open up towards life in a new way, towards new experiences and a bright future. There can be an optimistic quality to this energy. Yet, getting to that place, looking at the rest of this energy, isn't easy. You have to be willing to deal with a lot of layers and feelings if you want to burst forth into that bright future. 

This time it's not enough to just be bright and cheerful and to start going on your merry way with a bounce in your step. The bright future exists if you're not afraid to deal with things in your soul that may be uncomfortable first. Otherwise it will not be fulfilling. Peel back these layers. Allow the release. Look at your darkness. Let yourself be vulnerable. Let yourself be raw and then you will be ready for that bright future. You may not be walking towards it with a bounce in your step and a happy tune on your lips. You may be walking towards it with trepidation and a bit of fear as you feel how vulnerable you truly are. The point is that you show up and keep going. Keep your face to the sun anyways. It's time for the new. It's time to feel. To release. To be open. To show up vulnerable. Set aside the armor. Are you ready for the challenge? 

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