
Friday, June 28, 2019

Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Following the Siren Call to Get in Touch With the Depths of Your Feelings

The energy has been building lately to Eclipse season, which is finally here with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer this Tuesday July 2nd 2019. This is a powerful astrological event that is kicking off a powerful month. 

Solar Eclipse Basics
A Solar Eclipse happens during a New Moon when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and the Moon blocks out the Sun from our sight. With this Solar Eclipse I believe it will only be visible in certain places in South America, not North America. Basically to have a total Eclipse the Moon has to conjunct one of the Lunar Nodes. The North Node is the northern most point that the Moon can cross the ecliptic (the 'apparent' path of the Sun around the Earth) and the South Node the southern most point during a New or Full Moon. During this particular Solar Eclipse the Moon will be conjunct the North Node. The North Node point has been in Cancer this year making it an important energy all year long, but it comes into action when the Moon aligns with it for the Solar Eclipse.

Astrology Eclipse Basics
In Astrology the sign the North Node of the Moon is in represents an energy that we need to move towards as a collective and therefore on an individual level. If you have your personal chart looked at you would see more specifics about the energy you personally need to move towards and learn. The sign the South Node of the Moon is in represents an energy that needs to be balanced with the energy of the North Node, but also represents some energy to move away from. With this Solar Eclipse happening on the North Node there's an emphasis on moving towards this new energy and into new beginnings, In fact Eclipse seasons tend to bring plenty of important new beginnings and can also be major times of release. You may find this Solar Eclipse particularly ushers in new beginnings, although there can be a mix of endings and beginnings emphasized all July. 

☆January Eclipses☆
In order to understand this upcoming Eclipse season it's important to understand the January Eclipse season and to look back at that. It's interesting to think about what you were going through and letting go of at that time. Also, not just at that time, but how that impacted your past 6 months. We dealt a lot with the South Node in January and moving away from the past. In fact in some way you may have been continually moving on from the past in some way the last 6 months. Particularly from things that made you feel secure physically or materially that weren't serving you. Any clinging to things out of some sense of physical or material security. Relying on things outside of yourself for security. As we have been working through releasing these things that seemed more practical or secure somehow in a physical/material way we can move more into opening up to our feelings now and having things in our life that we want, that sparks our emotions and hearts instead of sticking with things out of obligation or unhealthy 'security'. Although, while there was release going on at that time it could have marked a period of time of getting your physical life balanced in a healthy way, to build a firm foundation when it came time to focus on the emotional aspect of things. The Lunar Eclipse during January didn't just bring up Cancer-Capricorn energy however, but also touched on Leo-Aquarius energy that had to do with the Eclipses of last summer. Basically we ended January with a theme that continued to evolve the past 6 months. That it was time to embrace the truth of your being. Time to follow your heart and emotions. That you should no longer do things to fit in, please others, or hold on to anything for a sense of safety of security. No more holding onto things for practicality or just cause it made sense mentally. Those themes have led us to where we are now where it's all about getting in touch with our feelings and emotions. 

Cancer Energy

During this time and peaking with these Eclipses we are getting more into Cancer energy. Cancer is a water sign and is ruled by the Moon. Both of these things mean it has a lot to do with emotions and feelings. The Moon changes signs the most frequently of any planetary body and goes through different phases throughout the month. Thus, our moods and feelings are fluid and forever changing. It's important to get more in touch with our fluctuating moods and various feelings. The South Node has been in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. For too long there's been such a rigid attitude about life. A harsh 'you got to do what you got to do' attitude. An attitude of suppressing feelings cause they are a sign of weakness or just get in the way. An extreme focus on material security and success. An attitude that this is a 'dog eat dog world'. We have gotten to the point where this has suppressed our emotions and the ever changing nature of our inner world. It's time to get in touch with what we feel again. To let out suppressed emotion. To allow ourselves the freedom to feel. To feel anything and everything that comes up and has been suppressed within our souls. To nurture and accept ourselves for whatever we may feel without judgement. To have compassion and love for ourselves, which can then have a ripple affect towards how we act in regards to others. To break free from rigidity. To break out of that box. To break free from the box in which you have stuffed your feelings. The box where you have been taught to be a well functioning drone. It's time to discover the feelings you have kept down. Any suppression of feelings isn't serving anyone anymore. It's time to get in touch with the fluidity of feelings in an ever changing emotional landscape. Yes, Eclipse seasons can be seen as 'fated' times. Basically they are just times where you have the capability of getting on the right path and new things coming together. Of course it's up to you though. Anything new in your life is going to come about because of being in tune with your feelings. It's all about what feels right and what your heart wants. 

Cancer is a mother energy and if you think about it everyone has an inner mother and an inner father. Perhaps they are just like how your parents were, perhaps not. It's time to mother ourselves however. Do you have a nurturing inner mother who accepts you and your feelings? Or is your inner father stronger and do you try to make him proud and therefore get overly practical, over achieving and shove down those 'messy' feelings? It's time to accept yourself. To nurture yourself and have compassion for yourself. Perhaps you think you can't nurture yourself and you're waiting for someone else to come along and do it for you. Your first responsibility is to your own self. Nobody is going to love or nurture you if you don't give those things to your own self. Self-care is something you should not pass up at this time. Does the thought of self-care seem like a waste of time or something frivolous that you're not entitled to? Well this energy is here to show you otherwise. In order to be successful and to do the practical things we need to do, we need to take care of ourselves so that we can function better. This can be a mix of taking care of your physical body and your mental and emotional self. The world has come to point where it's not going well with people who don't know how to take care of themselves , who are over worked, are cut off from their emotions and who don't have compassion for others. The Nodes and therefore the Eclipses always bring up a shift in energy that the world needs. The more people that deal with these things on an individual level, then things start to shift just a little bit. Of course on a personal level it will be much better for you if you shift into this energy. It will align you to a better way of life and better opportunities. It's kind of like the world's heart is hurting or is even shut off right now. Things are also way too rooted in  patriarchal structures, which this Capricorn South Node energy shows we need to move away from. I mean just look around you. The old structures are not working and things are starting to shift. These Eclipses are just a part of that. 

Of course we can't just get into emotions, nurturing energy, following our hearts and all that jazz without a polarizing force to balance us. That polarizing force is the South Node in Capricorn. Saturn will be exactly conjunct it during the Eclipse as well. We do live in this physical existence and this physical reality has restrictions, which we are reminded of with Saturn's involvement. We still have to function in this physical reality. There are very real responsibilities. From work, to finances to your physical body. You have to remember and balance your physical world responsibilities with your attention to your ever changing emotions and your ability to follow and nurture them. There's always a balance in life. Things have just gotten out of balance. 

Yes, things on a global scale are changing you could say. The structures of society and of governments are changing. The energy is building right now to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in January of 2020. These Eclipses are just part of that building energy. Certain societal structures are not working and there are shifts happening. Like I said before we are moving away from some structures that are overly patriarchal. No, it's not like we're going to end up living a drastically different life and end up living in a matriarchy or something. Things don't shift so extremely. The shifts will probably be more subtle. More of a balance could come about. Some structures in the government or in society could get quite tumultuous. I means this Solar Eclipse will be affecting the Solar Return of the United States. Basically the 'birthday' chart of the country for the next year. There's definitely changes coming just sayin'. Anyways, I personally don't really focus on world events etc. with astrology. My speciality and focus is on the personal. Besides I believe it all starts with individuals. It's the only thing you have control of anyways. You can't really go out right now and change the world as wonderful as the sentiment is. You can change your world though, little by little. This is just another opportunity too. One of many on this journey of life. As the wonderful Fernando Pessoa said in his surreal The Book of Disquiet 'A sensitive and honest-minded man, if he's concerned about evil and injustice in the world, will naturally begin his campaign against them by eliminating them at their nearest source: his own person. This task will take his entire life.' 

Basically this Solar Eclipse is ushering in a new emotional based energy and new things in your life in alignment with that. With Saturn on the South Node though we are reminded of restrictions of the physical world and our responsibilities at the same time. They must be in balance. We've had lots of planetary energy in Cancer lately already bringing up all those feels. Funny enough, at the time of the Eclipse Mars and Mercury will be in Leo. This is significant because of the Eclipses last summer in Leo and Aquarius. As we're integrating new lessons and energies we're reminded of what we've learned before. That it's important that we remain aligned with our authentic selves. That anything new in our life we connect to from the heart, feels authentic and allows us to be our true selves. Remember the power of your true authentic self. How good it feels to allow yourself to be exactly who you truly are. Get in touch with your true feelings and own who you really are. This is where the magic lies right now. 

Also, I have to mention that this Cancer- Capricorn energy brings up a lot having to do with security. It's important to find true security within ourselves and not to put all of your sense of security in things or people outside of you. There definitely is a big search for emotional security right now. Just make sure what you seek out is from a healthy, balanced place and that ultimately you feel secure within yourself. 

A smaller aspect going on at the time of the Solar Eclipse is that asteroid Juno is conjunct Mercury in Leo, trine Chiron in Aries and square Uranus in Taurus. There's a lot going on around committed relationships potentially. There could be new commitments or freedom from old wounds. There can be wounds healing in regards to relationships, particularly around whether you can be your authentic self within them and how they impact your identity. It's important to only enter into relationships that are heart based, that are authentic and allow you to be your complete self. Two complete people coming together to share. It's important to break free on the other hand from limiting partnerships or patterns from the past. There can be new things here, but they have to be aligned with your feelings, you have to be allowed to be your true self, and they can't be restrictive basically. Venus will also be in Cancer soon bringing more of an emotional emphasis on relationships etc. It's just one area of life that can be changing right now, that is shown by this energy. Really all areas of life of shifting though. Like I said it depends on your chart. It could be work, finances, home, pursuing personal interest or dreams etc. as well. It could just be a lot of shifts on an inner level. There can be so much changing on the inner level regardless. Many areas of your life could change. You could have new beginnings in one area and endings in another. This is what Eclipse seasons tend to bring about. 

🌊If you look at the lovely painting I have pictured above, during this time it's kind of like your emotions and feelings are sirens that are calling you to the depths of your own being. To draw you into the intense depths and fluid flow of your feelings. Listen to the call. Let yourself be drawn in and seduced. Don't stay up top. If you think of your life right now as a ship that you are sailing think about how small and limited it is compared to the whole ocean. Ships are so small and limiting compared to the vastness and depth of the ocean. Perhaps it feels safe, but it's always vulnerable. The ocean is profoundly powerful. So are our feelings. We could try to suppress them, but one day they will probably surface and overpower us anyways. We can't run from them. You'll be happier now and able to have better opportunities if you just surrender. So go on and heed the call of your inner siren. 🌊

P.S If you would like to know how this Eclipse season is particularly affecting you I'm always available for personal readings, so message me and we can set up a time to look at your chart. Also, I feel like I have so much more to say and explain about these Eclipses it's hard to get it all out, so I may do some sort of facebook live or something where I can be more free to ramble and really get into all of this. No promises, but potentially look out for that! 

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